Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Remote attendance meeting

Contact: Jan Kelly / 01352 702301  Email:


No. Item


Appointment of Chair for 2022-2023

To appoint a Chair for the Committee for the year 2022 – 2023.

Additional documents:


Noted: John Morgan kindly offered to preside as Acting Chair for the meeting.



KB welcomed colleagues to the meeting.  It was confirmed that the numbers present meant that the meeting was not quorate and therefore no decisions could be made by the meeting. It was agreed to proceed with the meeting for information only.


            KB explained that the terms of reference for the Committee provide for the appointment of outgoing Vice Chair to be Chair but as apologies have been received by Cllr MB, KB asked the meeting to elect an Acting Chair.


Noted: John Morgan kindly offered to preside as Acting Chair for the meeting.



Appointment of Vice-Chair for 2022-2023

To appoint a Vice Chair for the Committee for the year 2022 – 2023.

Additional documents:


KB advised that as the meeting was not quorate, appointment of Vice Chair would be deferred to next meeting.


KB advised that as the meeting was not quorate, appointment of Vice Chair would be deferred to next meeting.


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


Jennie Downes; Debbie Owen; Cllr Marion Bateman; Julian Lewis; Cllr Adele Davies-Cooke; Cllr Paul Cunningham. 



Declarations of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct

Members are reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of their declared personal interests.  

Additional documents:


None declared but noted those elected members who are school governors. 



None declared but noted those elected members who are school governors. 



Minutes pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting on 9th February 2022.

Additional documents:


Members present noted minutes and confirmed no matters arising but as change in Membership  in Elected Members since last meeting  cannot sign as a true record as meeting not quorate.


Members present noted minutes and confirmed no matters arising but as change in Membership  in Elected Members since last meeting  cannot sign as a true record as meeting not quorate.


To receive an update from WASACRE summer and autumn term meetings and AGM - 29.06.2022 and 16.11.22

To receive a verbal update at the meeting by Vicky Barlow, Senior Manager for School Improvement, Education and Youth Portfolio.  (papers will subsequently be available for members on the WASACRE website)

Additional documents:


Action: VB to send Hwb link on podcast of why RVE is important; particularly useful to new SACRE members.


Action: KB/VB to look at the new Terms of Reference for the SAC and agenda at future meeting.


Action: VB to circulate papers when available.



VB provided verbal updates on both the summer and autumn conferences as we did not have a meeting after the summer conference.


            The June conference was held on line, hosted by Flintshire with welcome and reflections from Claire Homard. CH welcomed the work of SACREs across Wales and presented highlights of Flintshire’s natural environment; our religious and historical places of interest; our arts and culture strengths through the Theatr Clwyd and our support for the Welsh Language. Reflections also on the 4 purposes and the opportunities for RVE within the new curriculum.


            Professional development materials are awaiting final sign off from Wales Government and then will be posted to HwB.


Action: VB to send Hwb link on podcast of why RVE is important; particularly useful to new SACRE members.



            Autumn Term WASACRE was attended by JB. VB elected as representative on WASACRE Executive Team. It was confirmed that Circular 10/94 is now outdated for RE as the legislation for RE has changed, but it does remain relevant for Collective Worship. VB has clarified this with schools.


            SACRE Constitution: VB advised that as legislation has changed WASACRE are discussing with WG structures and reporting requirements, particular through the annual report.


            VB advised that new legislation is that as we now have RVE not RE, we will no longer use the terms SACRE but will become a Standing Advisory Committee (SAC).  As the Curriculum for Wales is not yet fully implemented, the advice from Welsh Government is that although SACRE and SAC will have different constitutions the membership may well be the same during the legacy years to 2025. Recommendation therefore will be that our proposal as an LEA will be joint meetings.


Action: KB/VB to look at the new Terms of Reference for the SAC and agenda at future meeting.


VB also advised that the new terms of reference will have up to two places for representatives of non-philosophical belief and the proposal will be added to the forward work programme.


            KB advised that the WASACRE Handbook for Members does provide helpful suggestions as to the Constitution for a Standing Advisory Council and proposed that a draft constitution will be brought to a future meeting along with the recommendation that the existing terms of reference for SACRE remain as is until 2025.  


            VB advised on a consultation process on KS4 qualifications underway including balance of teacher assessment and exams.  RE Advisers across Wales are involved in these discussions.


            Date of next WASACRE meeting is 21 March 2023 hosted by Pembrokeshire. Flintshire can send up to four representatives. Details awaiting on whether this will be face to face or a hybrid meeting.


Action: VB to circulate papers when available.



Analysis of Estyn Inspection Reports for summer term 2022 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To receive a report from Vicky Barlow, Senior Manager for School Improvement, Education and Youth Portfolio.

Additional documents:


Action: VB to write to those schools on behalf of SACRE noting the positive outcomes for RVE/Collective Worship.


VB referred to the detailed report circulated with the agenda. VB advised it has been our practice to look at last term’s Estyn reports on RVE and Collective Worship.


Action: VB to write to those schools on behalf of SACRE noting the positive outcomes for RVE/Collective Worship.


Update on professional development support for Primary schools and resources for Religion, Values and Ethics

To receive a presentation from Jane Borthwick, Senior Primary Learning Adviser, Education and Youth Portfolio.

Additional documents:


Action: VB to share with group letter from CH to schools updating on the adopted guidance, the network and supporting resources.


Action: VB to add to the forward work programme an update from LO on the work of the secondary sector.


In response to Cllr AP, VB advised that Heads would seek guidance from SACRE in response to parental complaints but none received to date.




            JB reported on the work of the network of RVE leads including interdisciplinary approach; use of pupil voice; focus on non-religious convictions and beliefs; use of festivals;


            MP advised on the Church in Wales website – look through the lenses and the St Giles Centre Wrexham and Hwb resources;


            JM advised that the CES were developing the curriculum dimension for Catholic; asked meeting to note the Prayer Garden at St Anthony’s in memory of previous Chair of Governors.


            In summing up VB assured Members that a lot of work goes on outside schools with AM working for example on a  national working group on curriculum development work.  Work with B with the network bringing enthusiasm.


Action: VB to share with group letter from CH to schools updating on the adopted guidance, the network and supporting resources.


Action: VB to add to the forward work programme an update from LO on the work of the secondary sector.


In response to Cllr AP, VB advised that Heads would seek guidance from SACRE in response to parental complaints but none received to date.




Future Meetings

Future meetings will be held at 4pm on the following dates:


Wednesday 8 February 2023

Wednesday 7 June 2023



Additional documents:


Future meetings will be held at 4pm on the following dates:

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Wednesday 7 June 2023


Meeting ended 16.55pm



Future meetings will be held at 4pm on the following dates:

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Wednesday 7 June 2023


Meeting ended 16.55pm