Agenda item

Communities First


That the progress in implementing the Communities First programme in Flintshire be noted. 


The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager introduced a report to provide a summary of the progress made in implementing the programme in Flintshire and an update on the future direction of the programme. 


            The Communities First programme was launched by Welsh Government in 2001 and supported activity in 52 clusters of deprived neighbourhoods across Wales including two in Flintshire (the East Cluster in Deeside and the West Cluster incorporating parts of Mold, Holywell and Flint).  Each cluster prepared an annual delivery plan and community involvement plan which summarised the projects to be delivered and how local people would be engaged in the work of the programme.  There were a number of significant changes expected to the Communities First programme in 2016/17 which included a review of the structure for the Communities First team and the launch by Welsh Government of a Communities 4 Work (C4W) programme across all 52 clusters in Wales.  The Team currently operated across three offices but it was intended to reduce this to one with the savings used for project delivery which would continue across all areas.  The fourth change was to increase the integration of Communities First, Flying Start, Families First and Supporting People to increase joint planning and commissioning in the future. 


            The Lead Officer East Cluster provided a detailed presentation which covered the following areas:-


·         Communities First

·         Learning activities

·         Health activities

·         Prosperous communities

·         Job clubs

·         Jobs, skills & training events

·         Local labour market initiative

·         Financial literacy

·         Business entrepreneur network

·         What’s next


The Lift Mentor then provided additional information on the Lift initiative, which covered the following areas:


·         What is Lift?

·         How we work

·         Contact details


Councillor Paul Cunningham thanked the team for their presentation.  He welcomed the excellent work that Communities First was doing and referred in particular to the work being undertaken in the area of Dementia Support and the dementia friendly areas of Flint and Buckley.  He spoke of a play that he had seen recently on the issue of dementia which he thought was excellent and commented on the work of Communities First in Flint to encourage those with dementia to come forward and seek advice and help.


Councillor Paul Shotton congratulated the team for their work and in recognising the work of Communities First, spoke of evidence of their work in his ward.  He welcomed the introduction of the Dragon’s Den and Business Entrepreneur Initiatives which he felt was an exciting project and added that he had also seen the play on the issue of dementia.  He commended the work of the team on the Lift initiative which he felt would provide exciting opportunities and chances for local residents.  On the forthcoming jobs fair to be held later this month, he spoke of a previous event that had been extremely well attended and had been worthwhile for many.  He sought clarification on how the profile of local industry was introduced into high schools in Communities First areas. 


In response, the Cluster Manager East spoke of the initiatives with local schools and inspirational talks that were undertaken regularly.  She commented on the work with local employers to put programmes together to create opportunities for local people as part of the Communities First programme. 


Councillor Ian Dunbar welcomed the presentation and expressed his significant congratulations at the work undertaken by the team.  He wished them well for the forthcoming jobs fair and reiterated the comments of Councillor Shotton about the success of a previous event. 


Councillor Rosetta Dolphin asked for a list of contacts for the team to ensure that both members and residents were able to seek advice and guidance from the correct person.  She commented on the number of community led courses and asked how many participants went onto the use the skills they had gained.  She spoke of the food co-ops and in commenting on the Mindfullness course, suggested that all members should attend the course, but spoke of a course which had only had 8 participants.  Councillor Dolphin indicated that she had not been aware of the job, skills and training events held by Communities First and suggested that further promotion of such events was required.  In reply to a question from Councillor Dolphin about where the two Lift clusters were in North Wales, the Cluster Manager East advised that they were in Anglesey and Flintshire.  She added that the jobs events were well advertised with leaflets promoting the event being available in jobcentres and in other suitable locations.  She also spoke of a new role that was to be created as part of the structure review so that the issue of publicity could be fully addressed including the use of social media.  She added that the list of contacts would be circulated by email to all Members following this meeting. 


Councillor Gareth Roberts said that he would like to express his significant disappointment and spoke of the long experience with Communities First in Holywell.  He commented on experiences of lack of resources and the poor conduct of officers and said that it had not been a case of ‘once bitten twice shy’ but there had been many bad experiences for those in the area and patience had finally run out.  He spoke of unmitigating disasters and added that in the Holway, Communities First had done their damage. 


Councillor Alison Halford congratulated the team for their work and the presentation and sought clarification on the course referred to by Councillor Dolphin which had only been attended by eight people.  The Cluster Manager East said that this had only been for one event and the overall numbers for attended at mindfulness courses had been much higher and added that she could provide information on the numbers that had attended, if required.  Councillor Halford asked if issues such as diabetes and obesity would be covered and the Cluster Manager East advised that this would be included under the area of health and added that courses had been run in both clusters.  She also spoke of the ongoing work with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) including GPs and pharmacies.  Councillor Halford asked whether 29 people into full time employment through the Lift programme out of the 114 on the scheme was a good return.  The Cluster Manager East confirmed that this was a success and spoke of the intense mentoring for those on the Lift initiative and advised that for some this was a longer process than for others as the scheme was adapted to ensure that each individual’s needs were met.  In response to a further query from Councillor Halford, the Cluster Manager East spoke of the links with local businesses through the business team and the close work undertaken with the job centre. 


The Chairman expressed his significant disappointment at the comments of Councillor Roberts and spoke of the fantastic work that the team had achieved.  Councillor Derek Butler also expressed his significant disappointment at the comments made by Councillor Roberts and said that he was disgusted at his attitude towards the team.  He acknowledged that there had been problems in the past but things had moved on and the scheme was progressing well.  He spoke of the many positives of Communities First which had been welcomed by the committee and spoke of the very intensive programme undertaken as part of the Lift programme and the achievement of some people to gain employment following their inclusion on the scheme.  He commended the team for their work and the recognition by WG of the work undertaken in the area. 


Councillor Peter Curtis said that in the 21 years that he had been a Councillor, he had never witnessed such a vicious attack on members of staff whilst they were in the room.  He felt that Councillor Roberts had bullied and harassed members of Communities First over a number of years.  He added that he was disgusted at Councillor Roberts’ behaviour and that he should be ashamed of himself.  On the issue of reducing three offices to one, Councillor Curtis suggested that a location in Mold would be the most central area.  The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager advised that each location would be considered and the outcome reported back to a future meeting of the committee. 




That the progress in implementing the Communities First programme in Flintshire be noted. 

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