Agenda item

Council Fund Capital Programme 2017/18 – 2019/20


(a)       That the Council approves the allocation in Table 2 (paragraph 1.07) of the Cabinet report at its meeting held on 14 February 2017, for Statutory/Regulatory and Retained Assets sections of the Council Fund Capital Programme 2017/18 – 2019/20;


(b)       That the Council approves the schemes included in Table 3 (paragraph 1.20) of the Cabinet report at its meeting held on 14 February 2017, for the investment section of the Council Fund Capital Programme 2017/18 – 2019/20;


(c)        That the Council notes the shortfall in funding of schemes in financial years 2018/19 and 2019/20 as set out in the Cabinet report at its meeting held on 14 February 2017.  That the options to address this including a combination of future capital receipts, alternative grants, prudential borrowing or the re-phasing of schemes will be considered during 2017/18, and updates provided to Members in future capital programme monitoring reports; and


(d)       That the development of a longer term Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan be noted.



The Finance Manager – Technical Accounting, introduced a report to present the Council Fund Capital Programme for the period 2017/18 – 2019/20 for approval.  She advised that Cabinet, at a meeting held prior to County Council today, had considered and recommended the proposals contained within the Cabinet report which was appended to the report and the proposals had also been considered by the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 20 January 2017.  


The Finance Manager – Technical Accounting explained that Cabinet had adopted a Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plain in February 2016 and that the report built on that strategy and sets the Council Fund Capital Programme for 2017/18 and 2019/20.  She advised that there were three parts to the strategy and gave a joint presentation with the Chief Officer (Organisational Change 2) which covered the following areas:


·         3 part Council Fund Capital Programme

o   statutory/regulatory

o   retained assets

o   investment

·         estimated available funding

·         proposed allocations

·         proposed investment

·         summary (generally funded) capital programme

·         dealing with any shortfall in funding

·         specifically funded schemes

·         summary capital programme


                        Councillor Aaron Shotton thanked the Chief Officer (Organisational Change 2) and the Finance Manager – Technical Accounting for their presentation.  He spoke of the need to remain optimistic about the future and to maintain ambitions so that Flintshire continued to be an area where people aspired to live and work. He commented on the ambitious capital programme for infrastructure and schools investment during the next four years and referred to the proposals within the Programme for improvements to leisure centres and libraries, the commitment to protect future learning disability day care schemes in the County and the replacement of the existing Glanrafon centre in Queensferry. 


Councillor Shotton also commented on the capital investment proposed for schools which he said was a statement of intent to address some of the key issues affecting schools and was in addition to the 21st Century Schools Investment Programme.  He also commented on the pressures and demand for social care and said the need for additional bed capacity within residential care homes was acknowledged.  He added there was a commitment and ambition not only to protect the Council’s existing care home provision but to potentially increase capacity through new build in the County.


                        Councillor Ron Hampson welcomed the investment in learning disability day services and the planned replacement of Glanrafon and extension and remodelling at Arosfa.  Councillor Christine Jones also spoke in support of the investment scheme proposals concerning Glanrafon at Queensferry, and Arosfa in Mold, which provided valuable and much needed facilities for vulnerable adults and children with physical and learning disabilities.


Councillor Carolyn Thomas welcomed the investment in schools and the introduction of a programme of toilet upgrades in both primary and secondary schools.  She also expressed appreciation for the investment to upgrade play areas and emphasised the importance, citing good health as an example, of providing the opportunity for children to have local access to amenities to enable them to play outdoors.  Councillor Thomas welcomed the investment in Castell Alun High School to bring the school building up to standard which would remove the need for mobile classrooms on site.  She also commented on the issue of appeals at Castell Alun High School and referred to the concerns raised around capacity and asked if further clarification could be provided on the matter of capacity.  


Councillor David Healey also welcomed the investment of £4.6m in Castell Alun High School including the removal of mobile classrooms and the refurbishment of school toilets.


Councillor Kevin Jones spoke in support of the proposed investments concerning Glan Aber Primary School.  He also gave an update on investment and progress concerning the Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) and confirmed that both the Mold and Buckley sites were on track for completion and re-opening before Easter.  He added that the proposed new site to replace the existing Flint and Connah’s Quay sites was subject to finalising the details of ownership and planning processes.  Confirmation had been received that further funding to support completion of the three sites to a high quality had been received which would enable Flintshire recycling figures to further improve in the future.


Councillor Chris Bithell also welcomed the proposed investment for school extension and remodelling which he said would address a number of long standing schemes and cited the refurbishment of school toilets, removal of mobile classrooms, and replacement of synthetic sports pitches, as examples.  He also commented on the proposed modernisation of schools in the County which would take place under the 21st Century Schools Programme and cited proposed investment schemes at Connah’s Quay High School and Ysgol Penyffordd, Abbots Lane.


Councillor Mike Peers expressed thanks on behalf of the residents of Buckley to Councillor Kevin Jones and the Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) for their lobbying case and successful bid for funding for HRC sites from the WG. He also commented on the information contained in the appendix to the report that in the future  the Council would need to use its own land assets to attract greater capital funds and sought clarification of the criteria, strategy, and scrutiny arrangements, around use of land assets.  He also asked if information could be provided on the assets that the Council planned to dispose of between now and 2018/19 to generate the capital receipts which were referred to in the report. 


The Chief Officer, Organisational Change, responded to the points raised around the Council owned assets and advised that there were various types of assets and there was not one fixed criteria for asset disposal.  He explained that the Council’s assets were being used on many levels and gave examples.  Referring to the matter of capital receipts and the £2.2m projection referred to in the report the Chief Officer said that due to commercial sensitivity he would provide further clarification to Councillor Peers following the meeting.


In response to a query from Councillor Rosetta Dolphin concerning funding for school play areas Councillor Aaron Shotton provided clarification that the £0.887m capital allocation  referred to in Table 2 of the report was new funding in addition to the existing revenue budget.  In response to the further questions raised by Councillor Dolphin the Chief Executive confirmed that the revenue match funding would remain in place.


Councillor Derek Butler referred to the Council’s partnership in the North Wales Economic Growth Strategy and said this would have a significant impact on the ambition and vision for the whole of Flintshire for the future.  He commented on the need to co-invest in the Strategy with the Welsh and United Kingdom governments and the need to identify opportunities to realise assets.  The Chief Executive said there was significant United Kingdom and Welsh Government investment at stake and that there was an expectation that the six local authorities would co-invest and co-borrow.  He said this would be a positive pressure for capital borrowing going forward.


Councillor Hilary Isherwood welcomed the investment in Castell Alun but expressed her disappointment concerning the lack of support for Ysgol Llanfynydd and Flint Mountain.  She spoke of the Council’s “lack of vision” and the importance and need to retain rural school provision.


Councillor Neville Phillips raised the issue of the lack of car parking facilities at schools and said this needed to be addressed in the 21st Century Schools Programme.


Councillors Veronica Gay and Richard Lloyd outlined the need for capital investment to be made at St. David’s High School, Saltney.


Councillor Arnold Woolley sought an assurance that any land owned by the Council and disposed of was sold with a view to realising its full market potential.


The Chief Executive summarised and responded to the issues which had been raised by Members and referred to the need to address concerns around the reporting of asset sales, the local position around admission and appeals concerning Castell Alun High School, investment in St. David’s High School, Saltney, funding for future school investment and area reviews, funding for HRC sites, and funding for leisure.




(a)       That the Council approves the allocation in Table 2 (paragraph 1.07) of the Cabinet report at its meeting held on 14 February 2017, for Statutory/Regulatory and Retained Assets sections of the Council Fund Capital Programme 2017/18 – 2019/20;


(b)       That the Council approves the schemes included in Table 3 (paragraph 1.20) of the Cabinet report at its meeting held on 14 February 2017, for the investment section of the Council Fund Capital Programme 2017/18 – 2019/20;


(c)        That the Council notes the shortfall in funding of schemes in financial years 2018/19 and 2019/20 as set out in the Cabinet report at its meeting held on 14 February 2017.  That the options to address this including a combination of future capital receipts, alternative grants, prudential borrowing or the re-phasing of schemes will be considered during 2017/18, and updates provided to Members in future capital programme monitoring reports; and


(d)       That the development of a longer term Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan be noted.


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