Agenda item

Construction of an Education Centre with Continuation of Activities at Adjoining Materials Recycling Facility, Improvements to Existing Office/Staff Facilities Building and Retention of Car Park Compound Ref. 049740 at Spencer Industrial Estate, Buckley (049740)


            That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning.





The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report. 


            The officer detailed the background to the report.  There had been no objections to the application but Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) had requested that a condition be included on any permission to ensure the implementation of the Ecological Method Statement prior to the commencement of works.  He explained that no objections had been received through the public consultation process.  The site had been in existence for a number of years and was a response to the reorganisation of Streetscene.  He commented on the hours of operation which were detailed in the report and advised Members that the current five day working pattern was changing to a six day pattern with the hours of operation being 7am to 8pm Monday to Saturday with no working on Sundays or bank holidays.  He identified the range of waste streams which would be dealt with at the site and in highlighting page 152 of the report said that some of the land would be turned into a car park.  He highlighted the section on ecology and on the issue of highways.  It was proposed that the 11 collection vehicles would leave the materials recycling facility (MRF) at 7am and would return at 5pm.  During the day, the vehicles would make two or three trips to the site, resulting in approximately 88 collection vehicle movements per day assuming that three trips were made to the MRF by each vehicle during the working day.  The road was currently unadopted, might be adopted in the future, but was currently adequate.  As the adjacent West Penning Recycling centre and the landfill site had now closed, this had reduced the potential for conflict between vehicles operating from either site.                                         


            Councillor R.C. Bithell proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded. 


            The local Member, Councillor M.J. Peers, said that in principle he supported the recommendation, particularly the introduction of the educational centre.  However he had concerns about the extended operating hours which would result in an additional 18 hours working per week.  He commented on the area which had been planned for public parking for the Standard Landfill Site and said that he had enquired about this but had not received a response.  He felt that efficiency savings could be found to relieve the pressure on residents.  He suggested an amendment that the extended hours not be accepted until further work had been done, supported by evidence, to justify why the extended hours were required; the amendment was duly seconded.  In response, the Head of Planning said that extended hours had been requested but this was on an industrial estate so queried what impact it would have on the area.  Councillor Peers felt that the impact was because of the time of the returning vehicles and that there was no justification set out in the report for the extended hours.  


            On the issue of public parking for the Standard Landfill Site, the Manager (Minerals and Waste) said that Streetscene were looking at parking at the other end of the industrial estate for that facility to keep them separate.  He added that the waste collection rounds had been prepared making use of the fleet which the Council already had.  The hours of operation for recycling had been extended from 7pm to 8pm with the vehicles returning at 5pm; he did not feel that this would have a detrimental impact on the area. 

            Councillor R.B. Jones referred to the conditions reported on page 148 and highlighted conditions 4, 12, 14 and 20 which he felt did not contain enough detail; he added that conditions were needed to protect amenity.  In response, the Head of Planning said that the report contained summary conditions and the Development Manager reminded Members that the full text of the conditions had been placed in the Members’ Library as had been requested by Members. 


            In supporting Councillor Peers, Councillor A.M. Halford said that residents in her ward had been dogged by large wagons going to and from the site.  The proposed extra hours were not fair to residents, and she asked for evidence to show that they were required.


            Councillor W. Mullin said that he understood the comments of Councillor Peers but he could not see any reasoning in refusing the extra hours as there was a need for them.  Councillor Bithell said that industrial estates worked shift systems and that vehicles going in and out 24 hours per day was a fact of modern living. 


            The Manager (Minerals and Waste) said that the application was a significant improvement as black bag waste would not be dealt with at this site, only the recycling from the kerbside collection vehicles. 


            Councillor Peers said that his amendment was that he agreed with the proposal for the parking facility and education centre but that there was no evidence to extend the working day.  His amendment was to accept the report with normal working days with the addition of Saturday working.  There was nothing in the report to justify why there was a need to extend the hours. 


            On being put to the vote, the amendment suggested by Councillor Peers was lost.  The Principal Solicitor advised that Members now needed to vote on the substantive motion which was the officer recommendation in the report.  On being put to the vote, the proposal was CARRIED.      




            That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning.


            Councillors M.J. Peers and A.M. Halford indicated that they wished it to be recorded in the minutes that they had voted against the granting of permission. 


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