Agenda item

Forward Work Programme


(a)       That the Forward Work Programme as submitted be approved; and


(b)       That the Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings as the need arises.


The current Forward Work Programme was presented for consideration.  Following detailed work on Alternative Delivery Models (ADMs) and Community Asset Transfers (CATs) over the past few years, three emerging key priorities had been identified.  The Chief Officers (Organisational Change) provided an overview of those priorities within their respective areas:


Community Resilience


Councillor Paul Shotton welcomed ‘social prescribing’ initiatives where signposting to groups and activities could promote healthy living and help reduce pressures on the Ambulance Service.


The Chief Officer (Organisational Change 1) said that the aim of this priority was to maximise opportunities for community resilience by working with public sector partners.  The ‘social prescribing’ element involved creating pathways outside formal social care settings to encourage residents to access a network of opportunities and help prevent health issues.


Additional information was provided by the Senior Manager - Integrated Services on the development of the Single Point of Access to support GPs by signposting to various community activities.  She also referred to planned work on the Aging Well Plan.


The Chairman said that GPs could do more to refer individuals to healthy initiatives and activities such as local walking groups.


The Chief Officer (Organisational Change 2) gave examples of new technology which could be used to assist vulnerable people in their own homes.


On the latter point, Councillor Ellis said that detailed explanation would be required on the use of such devices.  She pointed out that some wards had a significant number of older residents and that it would be helpful for local Members to be given a nominated officer contact with whom they could refer issues.


Digital and Customer Services Strategy


In response to concerns from some Members, the Chief Officer (Organisational Change 1) clarified that the aim of the Digital Strategy was to encourage and improve digital contact for those who wanted it.  The digital customer overview appended to the report demonstrated the creation of the customer account.  This approach would help to improve opportunities for other individuals who preferred more traditional means of contact, for example by telephone or face to face.  Assurance was given that these options would continue to be available to meet the needs of all customers.


Councillor Gay spoke about the role of ‘community agents’ which she felt could be explored for Flintshire.  In response to concerns about the lack of Wi-fi in public buildings, the Chief Officer agreed to look into provision at Douglas Place in Saltney.  He said that future development of public buildings should take account of Wi-fi provision for members of the public.  Whilst the Council had no control on the Broadband rollout programme, customers would still be able to access the Council by telephone or face to face contact.


Councillor McGuill asked if the expansion of digital services would mean extended working hours for officers.  The Chief Officer said that the expectations of residents would need to be identified to establish how these could be reasonably met.


Council’s Property Asset Rationalisation Programme


Councillor Lloyd suggested that plans for County Hall be deferred until a decision by Welsh Government on local government reorganisation.  The Chief Officer (Organisational Change 2) said that action was necessary as the significant maintenance liability on the building meant that the current position was unsustainable.  Following the closure of phases 3 and 4 of the building, careful planning was needed to achieve the right model of a modern and flexible work environment.


In response to questions from Councillor Ellis, the Chief Officer said that planning was in the early stages and would involve significant work on cultural change.  Over the coming weeks, there would be consultation with the workforce and Trade Unions to feed into the overarching strategy.


Councillor Reece asked about the possible use of space at Theatr Clwyd and was informed that this would be considered as part of the Masterplan for the County Hall site.


Following a query by Councillor Bibby, it was explained that whilst areas of asbestos in County Hall had been recorded, ‘disruptive testing’ during the demolition process was likely to identify further issues.




(a)       That the Forward Work Programme as submitted be approved; and


(b)       That the Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings as the need arises.

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