Agenda item

Housing (Wales) Act 2014 – Homelessness


(a)       That the update on the management of the new legislation within the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 be noted;


(b)       That the challenges that the Council has faced finding suitable housing options for households and the further risks to this should, transition funding cease and/or Supporting People funding reduce be noted;


(c)        That the Committee supports the proposals to develop new housing provision to alleviate homelessness in the County; and


(d)       That a letter be sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children on behalf of the Committee to seek Welsh Government support to protect the Supporting People Grant.



The Chief Officer introduced a report to provide an update on how the Council has met the requirements of the new homeless legislation and some of the projected challenges that face the Council.  She provided background information and advised that there had been an increase in the numbers of households seeking assistance and that the service was forecasting additional pressures due to a combination factors.


            Councillor George Hardcastle thanked the Chief Officer and her team for their work around the prevention of homelessness.  He referred to the provision of interim accommodation and the use of Bed and Breakfast accommodation and asked how many families were placed in bed and breakfast accommodation at the current time. The Chief Officer explained that the current number of people in bed and breakfast accommodation was very low.  Councillor Hardcastle also commented on the issue of tenants who were in rent arrears, and cited the bedroom tax as an example, and asked how many tenants had requested to ‘downsize’ to a smaller property but were prevented from doing so due to a lack of suitable properties available.  The Benefits Manager agreed to provide this information following the meeting.


            Officers responded to the questions and concerns raised and advised that a report on the impact of Welfare Reforms would be provided to the meeting of the Committee to be held in November 2017. The Chief Officer explained that the Council had a fair debt policy and took a holistic view of each case and worked with the customer to provide the best outcome for the tenant and the Council. 


Councillor Aaron Shotton commented on the reduction to the Supporting People Grant and suggested that the Committee may wish to lobby the Welsh Government to seek support for the Grant.  It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children on behalf of the Committee to seek Welsh Government support to protect the Supporting People Grant.


During discussion the Chief Officer responded to the comments and suggestions put forward around new methods and the innovative use of existing buildings to address the issues of interim accommodation and housing shortage.


In response to the concerns raised by Councillor Hardcastle around conversion, repairs and renovations to existing buildings the Chief Officer agreed to provide the Committee with information on asbestos at properties following the meeting.


Following a suggestion from Councillor Rosetta Dolphin, the Housing Strategy Officer said she would look into the possibility of having a cleaning service at shared properties.




(a)       That the update on the management of the new legislation within the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 be noted;


(b)       That the challenges that the Council has faced finding suitable housing options for households and the further risks to this should, transition funding cease and/or Supporting People funding reduce be noted;


(c)        That the Committee supports the proposals to develop new housing provision to alleviate homelessness in the County; and


(d)       That a letter be sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children on behalf of the Committee to seek Welsh Government support to protect the Supporting People Grant.


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