Agenda item

Full Application - Construction of waste transfer building and continuation of non-hazardous waste management operation at "Old Bridge Inn", Station Lane, Padeswood, Mold (049617)


That planning permission be granted subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement to effectively revoke planning permission 4/0/16514 and to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning, with:-


i)          imposition of a condition as detailed in the late observations on noise mitigation

ii)         inclusion of the words ‘and excluding food waste’ on condition 7.




            The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting. 


            The Senior Minerals and Waste Officer explained that this application was to consolidate the existing waste recycling operations and assist with monitoring the site operations and facilitate a greater level of control than existed at present.  The aggregate recycling had been operating for over 10 years.   It was proposed to relocate an existing screening bund on the eastern boundary to facilitate a larger working area which would assist with improving site management, and as a result, lower stockpile height on the site.  The officer highlighted the late observations where concerns from a neighbour were reported about incremental expansion and development of the site in the open countryside. 


The report had been written prior to the publication of the Collections, Infrastructure and Markets Sector (CIMS) Plan but the application accorded with the principles of the national waste strategy and the main points of the CIMS Plan had already been taken into account when considering the application.  Comments from Councillor R.B. Jones had also been reported in the late observations on the issues of potential noise that would result from the application, use of the word ‘household’ waste in the report and the potential for food waste to be stored on the site; responses to the comments made were reported in the late observations.    


            Councillor R.C. Bithell proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded.


            Councillor R.B. Jones said that the application was an attempt to consolidate the existing facility and welcomed the comments made in the late observations.  In response to a query from Councillor Jones about noise mitigation, the officer detailed the noise limits which were being proposed.  She added that permission was subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement and consideration would be given to how the tests would be carried out. 


            Councillor W.O. Thomas said that there was a similar facility in Ewloe and raised concern about the creation of traffic movements into the area and pollution of the countryside.  In response, the officer said that there were no objections from Highways on the proposed number of vehicular movements into the site and that a vehicular restriction would be attached if the application was approved.  There was a need for the site which was an existing operation and the application would facilitate control. 


            In response to a query from Councillor C.A. Ellis about whether, if the application was granted, it would be used as evidence of an additional facility in the appeal on the landfill site, the Head of Planning confirmed that it would be included in the submission. 




            That planning permission be granted subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement to effectively revoke planning permission 4/0/16514 and to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning, with:-


i)          imposition of a condition as detailed in the late observations on noise mitigation

ii)         inclusion of the words ‘and excluding food waste’ on condition 7.


Councillor P.G. Heesom indicated that he wished it to be recorded in the minutes that he voted against the granting of planning permission. 


Supporting documents: