Agenda item

Digital Strategy – Digital Customer


(a)       That the Committee welcomes the proposed approach of implementing both the Digital Strategy and Customer Strategy through a priority and focus on improving services for ‘Digital Customers’ as outlined in the report;


(b)       That the Committee welcomes the proposed launch of the Customer Account in March of this year enabling customers to use this service, and give initial feedback on the service so it can be developed over time;


(c)       That details of Customer Services standards and response standards be circulated to the committee; and


(d)       That a report on digital ‘best practice’ be prepared for a future meeting of the Committee.


The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced a report on progress with the proposed approach to modernise and improve the Council’s delivery of customer services by making the best and most appropriate use of digital technology.


The Service Manager, Customer Support delivered a presentation covering the following areas:


·         The benefits of a ‘digital customer’ focus

·         A preview of our Customer portal

·         Developing our payment portal

·         Developing Live Chat

·         Key Decisions - early 2018

·         Approach to efficiencies

·         Resourcing

·         Outline Action Plan


Service improvements were main driver for the project and an initial one-off investment of £0.550m would be paid back by the achievement of future savings.


In response to various queries from the Chairman, the Chief Officer referred to the diagram in the presentation showing that some back-office systems required investment to support full integration.  He provided clarification on aspects of the customer portal which would include a link to the email address of the customer’s local Member.


In welcoming the digital improvements, Councillor Cunningham asked about any impact on response times for customers preferring to use more traditional means of contact.  The Service Manager agreed to circulate information on the customer service response standards.


Councillor Johnson’s comments on the popularity of accessing online services using mobile telephones were acknowledged by the Chief Officer who advised that there was no facility to analyse usage by area, but the website was fully configured for use on mobile phones and tablets as well as PCs.


In response to questions from Councillor Jones, the Chief Executive explained that customer benefits were the main focus at this early stage and that the phased implementation would allow detailed analysis of savings.  The Chief Officer provided clarification on the quoted investment figure and the detailed tracking of efficiencies as the project evolved.


The Chief Officer referred to the reported savings of models operated by other councils.  Councillor Jones proposed that the Committee welcome examples of best practice models operated by similar sized councils.


Councillor Peers, who was present in the public gallery, gave an example where an unresolved issue had been closed and suggested a facility to attach a photograph of the incident/area.  Officers explained that the improved technology would reduce the need for human intermediary leading to such errors.  As set out in the action plan, service remodelling would provide dedicated officer capacity to support the development of live chat.




(a)       That the Committee welcomes the proposed approach of implementing both the Digital Strategy and Customer Strategy through a priority and focus on improving services for ‘Digital Customers’ as outlined in the report;


(b)       That the Committee welcomes the proposed launch of the Customer Account in March of this year enabling customers to use this service, and give initial feedback on the service so it can be developed over time;


(c)       That details of Customer Services standards and response standards be circulated to the committee; and


(d)       That a report on digital ‘best practice’ be prepared for a future meeting of the Committee.

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