Agenda item

The Councils Closed Circuit Television Service and a shared Service with Wrexham


(a)       That the Committee supports the merging of the CCTV monitoring function with Wrexham having been assured over service continuity;


(b)       That the Committee is kept up to date with  the staffing implications/negotiations with an update report to be submitted to the Committee in 6/8 months; and


(c)        That the Committee support officers considering opening discussions with the Police and Crime Commissioner for a higher contributions to future CCTV costs.


The Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) introduced a report to inform Members of proposals for joint working with Wrexham County Borough Council regarding the merging of Flintshire County Council’s CCTV monitoring service with that of Wrexham.


The Chief Officer provided background information and advised that the report considered a number of options relating to CCTV installation as set out in the report.  Relocation of the CCTV service to Wrexham would provide a joint CCTV service managed by Wrexham.  Flintshire would remain responsible for fibre costs, camera maintenance and replacement.  Wrexham’s facility in Redwither Tower is modern with a layout which envisaged additional partners.  The option to merge services would provide resilience and manage costs more effectively.


The Chief Officer referred to the main considerations, as detailed in the report, around the Council’s CCTV service and the need for change.  He explained that there were a number of additional benefits that could be grown from a joint approach with Wrexham which included the provision of a key-holding service and alarm monitoring service.


During discussion the Chief Officer responded to the comments and questions raised by Members concerning the information provided on actual service costs and proposed costs split by Authority as appended to the report.  The Chief Officer also responded to the further questions and concerns raised around relocation costs, the implications for staffing arrangements and terms and conditions, and ongoing provision of a CCTV service in town and community Councils. Cllr Janet Axworthy asked that the Committee be kept up to date with the staff implications/negotiations.  It was agreed that an update report would be scheduled on the Forward Work Programme for consideration at a future meeting of the Committee in 6-8 months’ time.


Councillor Sean Bibby commented on the value of CCTV services to North Wales Police and asked if their financial contribution was being reviewed.  The Chief Officer confirmed that this matter would need to be raised with the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales.  He said that    Wrexham County Borough Council had already raised the issue of funding with North Wales Police noting that a more sustainable funding model for CCTV services in the future would need to be explored.


Councillor Dave Wisinger asked that Members of the Committee be given the opportunity to view the new facility when operational.  The Chief Officer confirmed that this would be arranged through Wrexham County Borough Council once the arrangements had “bedded-in” with Wrexham.  




(a)       That the Committee supports the merging of the CCTV monitoring function with Wrexham having been assured over service continuity;


(b)       That the Committee is kept up to date with  the staffing implications/negotiations with an update report to be submitted to the Committee in 6/8 months; and


(c)        That the Committee support officers considering opening discussions with the Police and Crime Commissioner for a higher contributions to future CCTV costs.

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