Agenda item
Denbighshire and Flintshire Joint Archive Project
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Roberts introduced the Denbighshire and Flintshire Joint Archive Project report which sought approval to create an innovative and sustainable archive service in partnership with Denbighshire County Council, and to develop a state of the art archive facility.
Both Flintshire and Denbighshire Councils were facing significant challenges in accommodation used to house archive materials. Both also faced challenges in terms of financial inefficiency, workforce resilience and long term sustainability. Those challenges could only be met by taking a radical and innovative approach which would address both the accommodation needs of both services and create a very different delivery model which would expand and enhance the role of the archive service in North East Wales.
It was proposed to achieve it through the process of a National Heritage Lottery Fund bid to access up to 70% of the funds to build a state of the art facility which would support a wider network of archive access points. It would also deliver a comprehensive outreach programme to community groups through its unique location alongside a producing theatre of national importance.
The model would provide a much more accessible and engaging archive service across both the Council areas than was currently provided, supporting the Council’s contribution to the Social Services and Wellbeing Act and the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act.
The Project Manager explained that there would be a need for both Flintshire and Denbighshire Councils to make a financial contribution in matched funding. The two services had established effective informal working partnerships, and taking the next step into merging them formally into a single service would provide the opportunity to share expertise, ensure service resilience and achieve a financially efficient model for both Councils.
Members supported the proposals and the innovative accessibility to the service in the future.
(a) That the following be approved:
· Creation of a single shared and sustainable Archive Service with Denbighshire County Council
· Deliver a ‘state of the art’ archive building, co-located with Theatr Clwyd, with an extensive digital archive network across both counties and an innovative public engagement and support programme
(b) That the allocation of £3,027,782 of Council funds, £2,979,782 of National Lottery Heritage Fund match funding and £48,000 in project management funding be committed to, to deliver the Denbighshire and Flintshire Joint Archive Project.
Supporting documents:
Denbighshire and Flintshire Joint Archive Project, item 95.
PDF 314 KB
Appendix 1 - Current Archive Sites, item 95.
PDF 242 KB
Appendix 2 - Locations of sites, item 95.
PDF 212 KB
Appendix 3 - Draft NLHF, item 95.
Appendix 4 - Cashable and non-cashable benefits, item 95.
Appendix 5 - Concept Designs, item 95.
Appendix 6 - Current access points, item 95.
PDF 452 KB
Appendix 7 - Project Risk Register, item 95.
PDF 115 KB
Appendix 8 - Wellbeing Impact Assessment Report, item 95.