Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme 2020/21


(a)       That the Committee supports and recommends to the Council the HRA Capital Programme for 2020/21, which is subject to change based on the outcome of the rent policy which will become available in December 2019; and


(b)       That the Committee supports and recommends the proposed HRA Capital Programme for 2020/21 as set out in Appendix 1.


The Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) introduced the draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme 2020/21 for approval and recommendation to Council.


The Committee received a presentation from the Chief Officer and Finance Manager covering the following:


·         30 Year Capital Business Plan Focus

·         Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS)

o   Delivering the WHQS

o   Compliance

o   Draft Capital Programme 2020/21

·         Council House Build Programme

o   Maes Gwern, Mold

o   St Andrews, Garden City

·         HRA Capital Programme 2020/21

·         HRA Capital Funding 2020/21

·         Post 2020

o   Future HRA Capital Priorities

o   Decarbonisation


The Finance Manager explained that projected figures in the draft Capital Programme were based on potential available resources whilst information was awaited from Welsh Government (WG) on the new rent policy.  Amongst the assumptions built into the Programme was that, post-WHQS, the Major Repairs Allowance would be used to fund the decarbonisation of existing housing stock which was a future priority of WG.


On WHQS, the Chief Officer said that consistent high scoring on tenant satisfaction questionnaires was a key achievement for the Council.  On future priorities, detailed consideration would need to be given to the approach to regenerating existing stock to reduce the number of voids.  A future report on this would be scheduled.


In response to a question from Councillor Shotton on parking spaces on housing estates, the Chief Officer said that whilst some provision was made within the Environmental Works element of the WHQS, there was a wider issue due to the impact of private sector parking needs and an increased number of cars per household.


When asked by Councillor Ron Davies about the review of garage sites, the Chief Officer said that the aim was to refurbish those deemed viable, however it was known that many were inadequate for modern cars and quite often were used for storage purposes.  Garage sites that were not used by tenants would be demolished to maximise local parking provision.


Councillor Hughes spoke in support of parking provision at bungalows in his ward which had been created from former garage sites.


Councillor Hutchinson congratulated officers on the report and the positive feedback from tenants.  His comments about the importance of parking provision at sheltered accommodation was acknowledged by the Chief Officer who said that this formed part of a wider assessment of parking.


Councillor Palmer referred to the regeneration of existing housing stock and suggested that houses that were difficult to let could be split into much-needed single bedroom accommodation.  He was told that this was amongst a number of options being explored to meet demand for one-bedroom accommodation as a direct result of the Bedroom Tax.


Councillor Attridge welcomed the Council’s investment in its housing stock and asked about engagement with private homeowners in adjoining properties to Council tenants to establish if improvements could be carried out at the same time.  The Capital Works Manager said that there had been little take-up from private homeowners and would provide further details.  When asked about the potential for more investment in Council housing in the event of an improved financial settlement from WG, the Chief Officer said that various options could be explored including purchasing former Right to Buy properties which could meet demand for adapted accommodation.


The Chairman allowed John Ennis, who was in the public gallery, to speak.  He referred to the costs involved in the modular build scheme in Garden City and asked if similar high insulation standards would be adopted at other schemes and whether there would be any impact on rent.  The Chief Officer explained that this was an innovative housing project supported by WG to meet a number of initiatives including the decarbonisation policy mentioned earlier.  Whilst the Council’s new build estate was already highly insulated, the demands of decarbonisation would create additional costs not currently provided for by WG.  The costs of modular build schemes would reduce as volumes of modular build increased throughout Wales.


The recommendations, which were amended to reflect the debate, were moved by Councillor Palmer and seconded by Councillor Ron Davies.




(a)       That the Committee supports and recommends to the Council the HRA Capital Programme for 2020/21, which is subject to change based on the outcome of the rent policy which will become available in December 2019; and


(b)       That the Committee supports and recommends the proposed HRA Capital Programme for 2020/21 as set out in Appendix 1.

Supporting documents: