Agenda item

Full Application - Retention and expansion of facilities at existing streetscene depot at land at Alltami Depot, Mold Road, Alltami (049845)


(a)       That the application be deferred to obtain further information from the Streetscene Service on the operational aspect of the proposal; and


(b)       That an officer from the Streetscene Service be asked to attend the next meeting to address Members’ concerns. 



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.


            The officer detailed the background to the report which was for an application for the continued use of this site in connection with the range of services encompassed within the Council’s Streetscene operations.  He highlighted the Proposed Development section of the report and drew Members’ attention to paragraph 7.08 where it was reported that this facility would provide for the collection of food waste into skips, the skips then being transferred to the Buckley Standard site for sorting and recycling.  There was no need for an additional access to be created and the proposals would result in 317 parking spaces being provided on the site.  The proposals were accompanied by a site landscaping plan which sought to reinforce the existing landscaped frontage of the site through the planting of an extension to the existing indigenous hedgerow towards the western edges of the site, planting of trees and shrubbery and visual enhancement through the removal of unsightly planters in the frontage area.  The proposal would also involve improvements to the current drainage system.  


            Councillor R.C. Bithell proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded.  Councillor P.G. Heesom raised concern about the application and said that he felt that there were a number of major policy issues to be considered.  He referred to the two major landfill sites in the area and said that Members were yet to be advised of the waste strategy outcomes.  He felt that there were fundamental planning considerations beneath the surface and he had strong reservations about the development.  He said that he would like to see more information regarding the background policy issues.  Councillor M.J. Peers said that he was not against the application in principle but asked for clarification on the use of the skips reported in paragraph 7.08 as he said that the Director of Environment had given a commitment that the food waste operation would cease completely at the Buckley Standard site.  Councillor N. Phillips queried what route the vehicles would take on their journey from Alltami to the Buckley Standard site and asked whether this would have to be raised with Streetscene officers. 


            In response, the officer said that the fleet of vehicles would collect the food waste from properties in Flintshire and would load it into small skips at the Alltami depot.  These skips would then be taken to the Buckley Standard site where the waste would be sorted and recycled before being transferred to a site in Ludlow.  On the issue of the route to be taken, he said that this would be an operational issue for Streetscene.


The Head of Planning suggested that the item be deferred so that an officer from Streetscene could be asked to attend the Committee to answer queries raised.  Councillor P.G. Heesom proposed deferment of the application to a future meeting, which was duly seconded. 


            On being put to the vote, the proposal to defer the application to seek further information from Streetscene on the operational aspect of the proposal was CARRIED.  The Principal Solicitor suggested that an officer from Streetscene be asked to attend the next meeting to address Members’ concerns.             




(a)       That the application be deferred to obtain further information from the Streetscene Service on the operational aspect of the proposal; and


(b)       That an officer from the Streetscene Service be asked to attend the next meeting to address Members’ concerns. 


Supporting documents: