Agenda item

Council Plan 2021/22


(a)       That the Committee supports the draft Part One of the Council Plan 2021-22 prior to sharing with Cabinet in March 2021; and


(b)       That the Committee be recognised as the lead for the Poverty theme.


The Chief Executive presented a report on the draft Part One of the Council Plan for 2021/22.  This initial framework was built around the refreshed structure of six themes (each with priorities and sub-priorities):


·         Economy

·         Education and Skills

·         Green Society and Environment

·         Affordable and Accessible Housing

·         Personal and Community Well-being

·         Poverty


The Overview & Scrutiny Committees were currently reviewing the content of their respective priority and sub-priority areas prior to reporting back to Cabinet.  The agreed approach was for Committees to scrutinise performance of their respective areas whilst having oversight of the entire Council Plan.  The Committee was asked to consider acting as lead for the Poverty theme which captured a number of sub-priorities spanning across portfolios.


The Strategic Performance Advisor said that the themes were closely aligned with Well-being Objectives and that the Plan had been well received by Overview & Scrutiny Committees thus far.  Work was underway on Part Two of the Council Plan which would be shared with Members prior to seeking Council approval by May.


Councillor Jones spoke about the importance of an effective way of  measuring against targets, and understanding changes in the format from the previous year.  In response to comments on consistency with national plans, the Chief Executive said that the document should only cover what the Council could deliver as the sole or lead public body.  As for previous years, performance monitoring reports would show progress against milestones and actual outcomes, supported by data and Key Performance Indicators where available/possible.


The Strategic Performance Advisor explained that Part Two of the Council Plan would support identified actions by including measurements, tasks and risks.


In response to concerns raised by Councillor Collett on the Poverty theme, the Chief Executive asked that officers make reference under ‘Income Poverty’ to the support available such as the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS).  Councillor Collett’s concerns about fair rent in the private housing sector would be referred to the Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Roberts spoke in support of the report and the approach to dealing with cross-cutting issues.


Councillor Johnson welcomed work on empty properties and spoke about the potential to improve green spaces on Council-owned estates.  The Chief Executive suggested that this be referred to the Green Council Climate Change Carbon Reduction Member Board currently being established.  Councillor Thomas spoke in support of this along with wider actions to deliver environment benefits.


Councillor Banks highlighted the impact of fuel poverty initiatives to communities.


In accepting the content of the Council Plan, Councillor Jones said it was also important to consider the consistency of the framework of the Council Plan at this stage.  In response to a suggestion from the Chief Executive, he proposed that the Committee lead on the Poverty theme.  This was seconded by Councillor Collett.




(a)       That the Committee supports the draft Part One of the Council Plan 2021-22 prior to sharing with Cabinet in March 2021; and


(b)       That the Committee be recognised as the lead for the Poverty theme.

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