Agenda item
Changes to Taxi and Private Hire Licensing
- Meeting of Licensing Committee, Wednesday, 7th July, 2021 10.00 am (Item 4.)
- View the background to item 4.
The Department for Transport (DfT) has
recently published the document "Statutory Taxi and Private Hire
Vehicle Standards" and Welsh Government has recently published the
document "Harmonisation of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing
in Wales". Both documents affect Hackney Carriage and Private Hire
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That Members have regard to the two documents when considering any Taxi and Private Hire Licensing matters.
The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report and explained that the Department for Transport DfT had recently published the document “Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards”. In addition, Welsh Government (WG) had recently published the document Harmonisation of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing in Wales”. Both of those documents affected Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing.
The Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards focussed on protecting children and vulnerable adults. The DfT stated that following a detailed consultation it was clear there was a consensus that common core minimum standards were required to better regulate the taxi and private high vehicle sector.
The Harmonisation of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing in Wales. That document followed Welsh Government’s white paper ‘Improving Public Transport’ published in 2018. The aim of the recommendations contained in the document was to provide ‘quick fixes’ to improve the consistency of licensing standards and increase public safety across Wales. The recommendations formed the basis for further development by Welsh Government (WG) into national standards.
There were five reasons outlined by WG to adopt the recommendations, public safety being the first. The public should be able to expect a licensed driver to be competent, honest, safe and trustworthy.
The DfT statutory standards and the WG’s Harmonisation of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing recommendations introduced a number of changes that Local Authorities would need to adopt. In summary, the main changes are listed below:
· Requirement for drivers to join the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Update Service and have a DBS check every 6 months
· Use of the National Database for Refusal and Revocations of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers
· Overseas criminal record check for drivers
· Adopting the WG’s Driver Code of Conduct
· Updating the Private Hire Driver Conditions in line with the WG’s recommendations
· Requirement for vehicle proprietors to have an annual DBS check
· Overseas criminal record check
· Adopting the WG’s policy on CCTV and Video Point of Impact Systems (VIPS)/Dash Cams in taxis and private hire vehicles
· Impose the WG’s recommendations for accessibility conditions on vehicle proprietors of taxis and private hire vehicles
· Standardised application forms across Wales
· To commit to reviewing any Taxi Licensing Policy every five years in accordance with the DfT’s Statutory Standards.
It was proposed that an overarching Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy would be drafted, for consideration by the Committee, to incorporate all of the smaller policies and procedures currently in place into one document, and to incorporate the standards set out in the WG document.
In response to a question from Councillor Rosetta Dolphin, the Licensing Team Leader said that although it wasn’t a mandatory requirement, all taxi drivers were encouraged to install CCTV in their vehicles as it was for the safety of everybody.
Councillor Mike Lowe asked if the rules within the policy would apply to taxis coming into Wales from England. The Licensing Team Leader explained that the DfT guidance applied in both England and Wales.
In response to a question from Councillor Lloyd, the Licensing Team Leader explained that prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Council linked up with North Wales Police and carried out spot checks on private hire vehicles and she was pleased to say there was a high compliance rate. Also, a full MOT was required for Private Hire / Hackney Carriages every 6 months. Since the pandemic however, the spot checks had not been able to be carried out.
Councillor Sharps asked if the Licensing Team Leader could prepare a brief report for the Committee on any incidents the department had dealt with since the pandemic, and also details of any decisions taken under delegated powers.
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That Members have regard to the two documents when considering any Taxi and Private Hire Licensing matters.
Supporting documents: