Agenda item

Notice of Motion

This item is to receive any Notices of Motion.


(1)       That the Notice of Motion be supported.


(2)       that the Notice of Motion be supported, along with the amendment received by Councillor Ibbotson and accepted by Councillor Woolley and Councillor Peers.


Councillor Paul Johnson spoke in support of the Labour Group Notice of Motion, which was:


“That this Council supports the calls for the UK Government to reinstate the £20 per week enhancement to Universal Credit and to extend this support to legacy benefits.  This Council also expresses its deep regret that the UK government did not apply this uplift to legacy benefits during the pandemic.  The Council recognises and welcomes the changes made to Universal Credit in the budget especially to the taper rate but expresses its concerns that this will not impact people unable to work or legacy benefit claimants.


Council calls on the Leader to write to our two local Members of Parliament to invite their support for this motion”.


He provided details of the impact over a 12 month period which was also at a time where the country was experiencing a rise in fuel bills and inflation.  He added that in Flintshire, a high percentage of those claiming Universal Credit were people who were in work.  A taper rate had been introduced but he said this would not help those who were not in any form of employment.


Councillor Dave Hughes seconded the Notice of Motion.


Councillor Ibbotson supported the Notice of Motion and provided details of his own personal situation in relation to Universal Credit.


Councillor Aaron Shotton also supported the Notice of Motion but felt it would have been more timely prior to the parliamentary debate on Universal Credit in the summer.  He added that the MP for Alyn and Deeside supported the sentiments of the motion and he had expressed his concerns to the UK Government when they had proposed to remove the £20 uplift.


Councillors Bithell and Butler also spoke in support of the Notice of Motion.  The requisite 10 Members indicated in the chat to request a recorded vote.


            The Chief Officer (Governance) read out names in order and the result of the recorded vote is shown below:


For the Notice of Motion:

Councillors: Axworthy; Banks; Haydn Bateman; Marion Bateman; Bibby; Bithell; Butler; Carver; Collett; Cox; Cunningham; Rob Davies; Ron Davies; Davies-Cooke, Chris Dolphin; Rosetta Dolphin; Dunbobbin; Eastwood; Evans; Gay; Hardcastle; David Healey; Gladys Healey; Heesom; Andy Hughes; Dave Hughes; Ibbotson; Joe Johnson; Paul Johnson; Christine Jones; Richard Jones; Tudor Jones; Richard Lloyd; Lowe; Mackie; McGuill; Mullin; Palmer; Peers; Vicky Perfect; Phillips; Ian Roberts; Tim Roberts; Rush; Sharps; Aaron Shotton; Paul Shotton; Small; Smith; Owen Thomas, White; Williams; Wisinger and Woolley.


Against the Notice of Motion:






The Notice of Motion was unanimously supported.


Councillor Woolley submitted the following Notice of Motion:


“That this County Council takes note of and fully supports the aims of the Local Electricity Bill which was submitted to Parliament on 10th June of this year with support of 150 cross-party MPs and organisations such as NALC.  The Eden Project, Forum for the Future and Friends of the Earth as well as 43 County and Local Authorities.  Council wishes to urge progress into Enactment form as that could enable:


1)         producers to sell electricity locally without going through the wholesale market and therefore having more control over the price; or


2)         local opportunities such as the Milwr Tunnel Scheme to become viable and proceed.


Council thanks the presently 262 MPs of all parties who have signed up to support the Bill and urges all those MPs within the county who have not yet done so to kindly sign up to support the Bill”.


Councillor Woolley spoke in support of his Notice of Motion, providing details of the Parliamentary inquiry earlier in the year on the supply of electricity and the generation of local power.  He sought support for Flintshire County Council to be added to the 100+ Councils supporting the bill on its progression through Parliament.


In seconding the Notice of Motion, Councillor Peers said that the option to purchase electricity locally was not available as energy had to first be sold to utility companies for customers to then purchase from those companies.


In response to a question from Councillor Carver, the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) explained that there were rules and regulations about the movement of electricity.  If Members would like more information he could provide that.


Councillor Ibbotson moved the following amendment to the Notice of Motion, which was seconded by Councillor Bibby:


Line one: omit word "fully" and replace with "cautiously".


Delete the last paragraph and replace with "Council expresses its concern at section 2, paragraph 3 subsection c of the local electricity bill which extends the scheme to projects emitting, at 350g of CO2/KWh, nearly double the amount of carbon emissions as the UK average at 181g/KWh in 2020. Council is further concerned at Section 3, paragraph 4, which would mean that the Council has no authority to prevent ill-advised projects from going ahead. Council is concerned that this bill as drafted could lead to higher carbon emissions and higher air pollution in our communities, and urges MPs supporting this bill in Parliament to amend the bill accordingly."


Councillors Woolley and Peers accepted the amendment and when put to the vote, the Notice of Motion, as amended, was carried.




(a)       That the Notice of Motion from the Labour Group be supported; and


(b)       That the Notice of Motion from Councillor Woolley, including the amendment by Councillor Ibbotson, be supported.

Supporting documents: