Agenda item
Shared Prosperity Fund
- Meeting of Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Tuesday, 5th July, 2022 10.00 am (Item 13.)
- View the background to item 13.
That Members review the opportunity presented by the Shared Prosperity Fund
programme and work undertaken to date and a detailed report would be presented to a future Scrutiny meeting.
The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager provided an update on the Shared Prosperity Fund saying that some information was not available at present. The UK Government Programme replaced the EU Structural Funds which was revenue based with £2.5 b funding over the next three years. He outlined the short timescales involved between the initial release and deadline for submissions. North Wales was required to submit a Regional Development Strategy by the 1st of August, and he explained how this money could be accessed and used. The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager then provided detailed information on the Priorities, which were subject to change, for each of the three themes, community and place, support provided to local businesses and people and skills. He also provided information on the £10.8 m funding with recruitment of the staff required to deliver this a challenge. In conclusion the Enterprise and Regeneration Manager confirmed that this would be presented to Cabinet next week with WG approval in October. He confirmed that this would be brought back to committee following approval.
The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Economy said the situation was constantly changing with the same team also involved with the Levelling Up bid. When it came to funding Flintshire was 20 out of 22 authorities and felt disheartened that the funding of £10.8 m over 3 years was so low.
In response to the questions from Councillor Mike Peers, the Enterprise and Regeneration Manager confirmed that the Priorities had to be submitted by the 1st of August and would specify what interventions the council would like to choose from the programme. The workshops were publicised through the Flintshire Local Voluntary Council (FLVC) and partners, with 20 participants attending each one. The situation was still unclear with regarding the financial breakdown and work would continue to identify which projects met the criteria. Cabinet would be leading on this, but a report would be brought to committee again in the autumn. The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager commented that UK Government had set out the mechanism for this but that Welsh authorities were receiving more funding than their English neighbours, as this was a bigger programme in Wales. That said the funding was also heavily weighted towards West Wales and the Valleys.
A discussion following with Councillor Mike Peers and the committee agreeing to change the wording of the recommendation to “That Members review the opportunity presented by the Shared Prosperity Fund programme and work undertaken to date and a detailed report would be presented to a future Scrutiny meeting.”
The recommendation as amended was moved and seconded by Councillors Mike Peers and Mike Allport
That Committee reviewed the opportunity presented by the Shared Prosperity Fund programme and work undertaken to date and that a detailed report would be presented to a future Scrutiny meeting.
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