Agenda item

Council Plan Development 2023/24


That the Committee support the proposed Priorities, Sub-priorities and Well-being objectives of the Council Plan 2023-28, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.


            In presenting the Council Plan Report for 2023-28 the Chief Executive referred to the Local Government & Elections Wales Act 2021 and said that there was no longer a statutory requirement to prepare a Council Plan.  The Plan set out the basis upon which the Council was meeting the performance requirements with robust plans setting out the journey to meeting those requirements.  He referred Members to section 1.02 of the report, and he explained how the review had been carried out.  He then referred Members to section 1.04 of the report and to the Appendix which outlined the proposed priorities which would be reviewed by the Committee on a regular basis.  


            Councillor Andrew Parkhurst referred to definitions under Education and Skills and could not see anything specific relating to equality of outcome especially for disadvantaged children and those going through the care system.


            The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) referred to the first item on Education and Achievement and said she could not guarantee equality of outcome for every learner.  Every learner would come with different backgrounds, experiences and cognitive abilities which would impact on their subsequent educational achievement.  It was the council and school’s role to provide an equality of opportunity to give all learners the opportunity to engage with the curriculum offer and with the broader extra curriculum offer on emotional health and wellbeing.  


            Councillor Parkhurst accepted it was outside the Council’s ability to achieve that but did not see the desire or objective in there and was concerned that it would not receive the attention that it needed.   The Chief Officer explained that this was a high-level objective and that within the Council Plan would be a series of specific targets for the portfolio to work to.  She reassured Councillor Parkhurst that those targets were reflective of all learners within Flintshire and looked specifically at inequality and the impact that that had on education.  She would take this back to ensure this was referenced in a way that was manageable and achievable.


The Chair thought that Flintshire was seen as providing opportunities for raising self-esteem, wellbeing and improving the education for a very diverse range of people.  She thanked all of those who were making this possible, building confidence, providing safe spaces and preparing many to enhance their skills to take up more gainful employment and indeed improve their life and social skills.  The impact of this work was finding its way into the wider community also and there was a definite recognition that working partnerships enhanced the offer.  The Chair agreed with the suggestion made by Councillor Preece that an Estyn workshop would be of benefit to the Committee and suggested that this was put on the forward work programme.   


The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Carolyn Preece and seconded by Councillor David Richardson.




That the Committee support the proposed Priorities, Sub-priorities and Well-being objectives of the Council Plan 2023-28, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.

Supporting documents: