Agenda item

Universal Primary Free School Meals (UPFSM)


(a) That the Committee note the progress made to date on implementation of UPFSM;


(b) That the Committee note the resource implications and risks identified in relation to UPFSM; and


(c) That the Committee support the UPFSM Policy and local implementation.


            The report was introduced by the Chief Officer (Education & Youth) and contained an update on the roll out of the Universal Primary Free School Meal Programme (UPFSM) in Flintshire.  This was a commitment made by Welsh Government (WG) with the authority opting for a phased approach.  There had been significant challenges with NEWydd and schools which had been acknowledged by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language who had written to all Local Authorities expressing his thanks for their hard work.  She provided information on the Working Group which had enabled the rollout to commence in September 2022 to Reception aged children with infant children in years 1 and 2 receiving their meals from April 2023 with all primary aged children receiving this by 2024.   She stressed that those families who were entitled to Free School Meals must continue to apply for those benefits as so much funding goes into schools based on that entitlement to a free school meal.  She was concerned that once this was universal that parents would be under the impression that they did not need to claim but this was so important and could have an adverse effect on the funding which went into schools.


            Councillor Dave Mackie had concerns around the extra staff members that would be required and wondered if this should be included on the Forward Work Programme as he had been told there were issues around staffing to support free school meals.   In response the Chief Officer (Education & Youth) confirmed that this was an area of concern saying NEWydd had had significant challenges recruiting.  The portfolio and schools did what they could to support NEWydd and she was not aware of any school not being able to deliver this meal offer.  This was a national issue with vacancies for catering, classroom assistants, specialist schools’ staff and this was being monitored as the rollout continued.


            Councillor Gladys Healey firstly thanked Welsh Government (WG) for doing this especially in the current climate.  She said as a Governor we were able to write to parents to remind them to claim for their free school meals.   The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) added that there had been a media campaign via social media and the website and asking schools to keep this message on their websites and newsletters.


The first recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Dave Mackie and seconded by Councillor Andrew Parkhurst.


The second recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Paul Cunningham and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.


The third recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Mel Buckley and seconded by Gina Maddison.




(a) That the Committee note the progress made to date on implementation of UPFSM;


(b) That the Committee note the resource implications and risks identified in relation to UPFSM; and


(c) That the Committee support the UPFSM Policy and local implementation.

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