Agenda item

Review Internal Member Fora


(a)       That the Member Development Group be discontinued and that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to amend the Constitution accordingly;


(b)       That the recommendations as outlined within sections 3.05 to 3.08 of the report which related to Cabinet functions be noted; and


(c)        That the arrangements outlined to replace the Land Disposal Panel and Agricultural Panel be amended to reflect that where there was a dispute between the local Member and officers on the disposal of land then the matter would need to be decided by Cabinet.



The Head of Legal and Democratic Services introduced a report to enable Members to consider a recommendation from the Constitution Committee as part of the ongoing review of internal Member fora.


            Most of the internal Member fora were undertaking or advising upon Executive functions which were the responsibility of Flintshire’s Cabinet.  In relation to such Member fora any Council decision could only be a recommendation to the Cabinet who had the final decision on whether such Member fora should continue or not.  Attached at Appendix 1 of the report was a list of the internal Member fora and the recommendation on whether or not it should continue.


            The recommendations of the Group Leaders and Constitution Committee on the following Member fora were detailed within the report:-


·        Member Development Working Group

·        Development Plans Panel

·        Social Services Representation and Complaints Review Panel

·        Land Disposal Panel

·        Agricultural Panel


Councillor A.P. Shotton, Leader of the Council welcomed the report and proposed that the County Council support the recommendations within the report with an amendment that the arrangements outlined to replace the Land Disposal Panel and Agricultural Panel be amended to reflect that where there was a dispute between the local Member and officers on the disposal of land this would form part of a report to Cabinet.  The proposals were seconded by Councillor J.B. Attridge.  The Chief Executive added that officers would ensure that a response had been received from a local Member before a decision on the disposal of land was proposed and this should be added to the changed procedure.  The proposed changes by the Leader of the Council would be outlined within the future Cabinet report.


Councillor R.J.T. Guest spoke in support of the proposals but raised concern that not all the information requested by the Constitution Committee on the roles and responsibilities of member fora had been supplied.  The Chief Executive said that reminders would be sent out to ensure that all the information requested would be available early in the new year for decision. 


Councillor H.G. Roberts proposed an amendment that the membership of the Planning Protocol Working Group be increased to allow all Members of the Planning Committee to sit on this Group.  The proposed amendment was not seconded.


Councillor M.J. Peers commented that all Members should be made aware of proposed land disposals in particular adjoining ward Members.  He also commented that there would be no mechanism to call-in any decision made on the disposal of land valued at less than £250,000 and asked for clarification on the statutory safeguards in place for the disposal of land.


The Chief Executive explained that where an asset was disposed competitively this would be advertised.  Depending on the locality of the land adjoining ward Members could also be consulted on any proposed land disposals and these issues would be addressed within the future Cabinet report.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services commented that currently a decision to dispose of land valued at less than £2m could not be called-in.  He also explained that under the Local Government Act 1972 proposed disposal of public open spaces needed to be advertised in the local press.


In summing up, Councillor Shotton thanked Members for their comments and concurred with the concerns raised by Councillor Guest that not all information requested had been supplied and said that this matter would be taken on board to ensure that appropriate decisions could be made on the future of other Member fora. 




(a)       That the Member Development Group be discontinued and that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to amend the Constitution accordingly;


(b)       That the recommendations as outlined within sections 3.05 to 3.08 of the report which related to Cabinet functions be noted; and


(c)        That the arrangements outlined to replace the Land Disposal Panel and Agricultural Panel be amended to reflect that where there was a dispute between the local Member and officers on the disposal of land then the matter would need to be decided by Cabinet.

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