Agenda item
Policy on EV Charging infrastructure for off street parking
That the Cabinet Member for Streetscene be asked to report to this Committee and the Environment & Economy Committee on the feasibility of offering the installation of cable ducts between houses and the street to enable owners of electric vehicles without off street parking to safely run cables across pavements, with the cost of these to be met by the resident in the same way as dropped kerb installations. To ask the Cabinet to adopt a policy of enabling all council tenants to have install, or have installed on request, electric vehicle charging points at home.
(a) That the Cabinet Member for Streetscene be asked to report to the Climate Change Committee and the Environment and Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the feasibility of offering the installation of cable ducts between houses and the street to enable owners of electric vehicles without off street parking to safely run cables across pavements,
(b) That residents in Flintshire be invited to take up the opportunity of the installation of the above with the cost to be met by the resident in the same way as dropped kerb installations; and
(c) That Cabinet be asked to adopt a policy of enabling all council tenants to have installed, or have installed on request, electric vehicle charging points at home.
The Chair read out the recommendations that the Cabinet Member for Streetscene be asked to report to the Climate Change Committee and the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the feasibility of offering the installation of cable ducts between houses and the street to enable owners of electric vehicles without off street parking to safely run cables across pavements, with the cost of these to be met by the resident in the same way as dropped kerb installations; and to ask Cabinet to adopt a policy of enabling all council tenants to have installed, or have installed on request, electric vehicle charging points at home.
In moving the recommendations Councillor Carolyn Preece spoke in support of the proposal. This was seconded by Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson.
The Cabinet Member for Streetscene expressed concerns on the wider implications of the recommendations and suggested that further consideration be given to the matter.
The Programme Manager (Climate Change and Carbon Reduction) responded to the comments and points raised by Members around accessibility to charging points, suitability of off-street parking, and the difficulty experienced by some residents in being able to park near or outside their own home. She referred to a focus on ‘Destination charging’ where provision is made at key destinations across the county, and ‘En-route charging’ where EVs are topped up midway through a journey. The feasibility study for next phase of destination chargers is scheduled for 2023 subject to the successful securing of funding, and will identify the most strategic Council owned and private locations to further develop the EV charging network.
In summing up the Chair referred to the recommendations as follows:
· that the Cabinet Member for Streetscene be asked to report to the Climate Change Committee and the Environment and Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the feasibility of offering the installation of cable ducts between houses and the street to enable owners of electric vehicles without off street parking to safely run cables across pavements,
· that residents in Flintshire be invited to take up the opportunity of the installation of the above with the cost to be met by the resident in the same way as dropped kerb installations; and
· that Cabinet be asked to adopt a policy of enabling all council tenants to have installed, or have installed on request, electric vehicle charging points at home.
The recommendations were moved by Councillor Carolyn Preece and seconded by Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson. When put to the vote the recommendations were carried.
(a) That the Cabinet Member for Streetscene be asked to report to the Climate Change Committee and the Environment and Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the feasibility of offering the installation of cable ducts between houses and the street to enable owners of electric vehicles without off street parking to safely run cables across pavements,
(b) That residents in Flintshire be invited to take up the opportunity of the installation of the above with the cost to be met by the resident in the same way as dropped kerb installations; and
(c) That Cabinet be asked to adopt a policy of enabling all council tenants to have installed, or have installed on request, electric vehicle charging points at home.