Agenda item

Supporting Service Children in Education


That the Committee confirms that it had received an appropriate level of assurance regarding the work of the Education & Youth Portfolio in supporting schools who have Service children.


            In presenting the update report, the Senior Manager (School Improvement) confirmed this followed a report which had been presented to the Committee in December 2021 and included information on the national and local work being undertaken to support service children in schools. 


            The Senior Manager reported that the authority worked closely with Supporting Service Children in Education (SSCE) Cymru, and the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) and she was pleased that Jane Borthwick (Senior Primary Learning Adviser) was present at the meeting. She explained that the Senior Primary Learning Adviser led on this, working closely with schools, SSCE and the Regional Schools Liaison Officer and through this work it was possible to maximise the grant funding which supported professionals in schools to better understand their roles in supporting service children. This also enabled resources and engagement activities for those learners. Although there was only a small amount of funding available, it was possible to see the positive impact that this was making. The Senior Manager provided information on the work carried out over the last three years to understand the needs of service children and enabled targeted support to be provided.


            The Senior Primary Learning Adviser commented on the excellent day held at Ty Calon in Deeside which was attended by several schools with children from the age of 5 to 11 enjoying playing games together.  It was also pleasing to see service parents attending too.  Following on from this event a pen pal project was being set up so that the children could keep in touch, especially those moving up to high school.  Work was continuing to raise the profile of service children in education and to provide support to them and their families.  This was very positive, and another event had been arranged for June at Flint High School with more secondary learners taking part.


            Councillor Bill Crease thanked officers for the report and was pleased to see the positive impact the support had made to service children and provided an outline of his own personal experience.


            The Chief Officer thanked the Senior Manager and Senior Primary Learning Adviser for their work with service children in schools.  She also extended an invitation to Members of the committee who would like to attend the event in June and the Senior Primary Learning Adviser agreed to liaise with the Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator to circulate the information to Members.


            The Senior Primary Learning Adviser also offered the opportunity for Members to join the meetings which were held with the other stakeholders.  Councillor Dave Mackie and the Chair put their names forward.


The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor  Gladys Healey and seconded by Councillor Arnold Woolley.




That the Committee confirms that it had received an appropriate level of assurance regarding the work of the Education & Youth Portfolio in supporting schools who have Service children.

Supporting documents: