Agenda item


To note the answers to any questions submitted in accordance with County Council Standing Order No. 9.4(A): one was received by the deadline and is attached.


Councillor Bernie Attridge: Review of the start of the annual leave year.


One had been received.


One was received and Members had been provided with a copy, including the response:


Councillor Bernie Attridge


“Can the Cabinet Member commit to an urgent review of employee’s holidays due to lots of employees taking annual leave at the end of the financial year and leaving services vulnerable. I would be grateful if you could look at employee birthday as a way of sorting this problem out. I appreciate it is for managers to manage but I am aware of services with all agency staff whilst our employees take annual leave. I would like to ask the Cabinet Member a supplementary question at Full Council depending on his response”.


In response to the question, Councillor Mullin, the Cabinet Member for Governance and Corporate Services including Health and Safety and Human Resources said:


“I would like to thank Councillor Attridge for his question.


The holiday year can be any 12-month period but is most commonly defined in the United Kingdom as the calendar year (1 January to 31 December) or the financial year running from 1 April to 31 March.


The Council’s annual leave year is and has always been aligned to the financial year (1 April to 31 March). This enables finance colleagues to make accurate financial provision for any leave carried forward into the new leave year. It is also aligned to the outcome of national negotiations in respect of pay and terms and conditions which are effective 1 April annually.


Chief Officers have previously considered the question of leave and changes to leave years, however, and as part of those considerations there are a number of complexities which would involve substantial rework with little overall business benefit.  The fundamental position should clearly be that leave should be effectively managed within the portfolios and form part of active ongoing discussions with managers and their team members to avoid large amounts of leave, which cannot realistically be used sensibly by the end of the leave year.


In relation to Cllr Attridge’s point relating to leaving services vulnerable, I don’t believe that this is or has ever been the case and would of course welcome any specific information he can furnish me with so that it may be fully considered”.


He suggested that a meeting could be held with the Chief Executive, Cabinet Member, the Corporate Manager, People and Organisational Development and Councillor Attridge.


Councillor Attridge added that it was a widespread issue across the whole authority as employees were unable to carry over leave.  He commented on one service area which had a high number of managers off at the same time, with agency workers covering, which was not acceptable.  He welcomed the opportunity of the meeting which was offered by the Cabinet Member.


Councillor Mullin said a suitable solution needed to be found that worked for everybody.


The Chief Executive said further work was required on the issue and a report would be submitted to a future meeting. 

Supporting documents: