Agenda item

Council Plan 2023-24 Mid-Year Performance Reporting (S&HC OSC)


(a)       That Members support the levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of priorities as detailed within the Council Plan 2023/28 for delivery within 2023/24;


(b)       That Members support the overall performance against Council Plan 2023/24 performance indicators/measures; and


(c)       That Members are assured by the explanations given for the areas of underperformance.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the report on the overall mid-year performance situation across the whole Council, with the table in section 1.04 covering all portfolios.  He pointed out that the appendix was most relevant to this Committee and that the relevant sub area was Personal and Community Well-being which had an action ‘RAG’ status of 90% green and 10% red and for Well-being a RAG status of 85% green and 15% red.  He highlighted some measures as set out in the appendices.


In response to an observation by Councillor Debbie Owen, the Chief Officer said that some priorities were supported by more than one portfolio and even though it was not a Social Services responsibility, the overall area of a well-connected, safe and clean local environment did sit under this the area of performance.


Councillor McGuill questioned in-house care and the recruitment of staff.  The Chief Officer explained that the in-house provision covered a host of services, many of which were regulated and therefore needed the staffing required to provide the service and that the regulated inspections had confirmed that they had sufficient staff to provide good quality services in those areas. However, he did not have the exact number of vacancies but would provide them after the meeting.  He added that recruitment had improved since the pandemic.


In response to Councillor McGuill’s second question concerning children coming out of care and the housing situation, the Chief Officer explained that he did not have the specific information about care leavers but agreed that it was a concerning area which they were actively considering.  He stated that homelessness had issues outside of Flintshire and nationally it was a real concern and agreed that she was right to identify.  He added that the portfolio had joint meetings with Housing and that accommodation for care leavers would be a priority for a future joint meeting.


In response to Councillor Mackie, the Chief Officer explained that the Direct Payment target was for the year but was applied to this period as it was a percentage and the performance was for the period and not for the full year.  He agreed with his point about the 12.7% allocation for Direct Payments in older people but stated that it reflected the situation nationally due to the nature of support provided for older people.  However, some of it was not long term like other categories and it tended to attract a lower percentage of people wanting direct payments compared to people with life-long disabilities who had more direct payments.


The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Mel Buckley and Tina Claydon.




(a)       That Members support the levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of priorities as detailed within the Council Plan 2023/28 for delivery within 2023/24;


(b)       That Members support the overall performance against Council Plan 2023/24 performance indicators/measures; and


(c)       That Members are assured by the explanations given for the areas of underperformance.

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