Agenda item
Homelessness Budget Pressure - Options Paper
- Meeting of Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 15th November, 2023 10.00 am (Item 48.)
- View the background to item 48.
(a) That the Committee note the latest financial position in relation to homelessness; and
(b) That the Committee support the options outlined in Appendix 1 to increase supply and mitigate further overspends on the homelessness budget.
The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention introduced a report to outline options that had been developed for consideration to manage the overspend on the homelessness budget.
Within the Housing Solutions service there were specific budgets for homeless
accommodation settings for ‘interim housing’. In addition to this budgeted provision for these locations, including the Homeless Hub, there was a further specific budget for emergency accommodation. This budget was used when there was no remaining capacity in other budgeted temporary accommodation. The emergency accommodation used was mostly hotel rooms, within and beyond the boundaries of Flintshire, together with some use of other forms of holiday lets, such as caravans and apartments.
The Service Manager reported that within the Revenue Budget Monitoring Report 2023/24 (Month 4) reported to Cabinet in September 2023, it was recommended that, as required by the Council’s Finance Procedure Rules, a separate report was prepared to expand on the reasons for the significant overspend on the
homelessness budget and the mitigations being put in place.
Within the Housing Solutions service there were specific budgets for homeless
accommodation settings for ‘interim housing’. In addition to this budgeted provision for these locations, including the Homeless Hub, there was a further specific budget for emergency accommodation. This budget was used when there was no remaining capacity in other budgeted temporary accommodation. The emergency accommodation used was mostly hotel rooms, within and beyond the boundaries of Flintshire, together with some use of other forms of holiday lets, such as caravans and apartments.
The Service Manager reported that options had been developed for consideration to manage the overspend on the homelessness budget, which were as follows:-
- Fast tracking review of sheltered housing – covering accommodation for groups over the age of 55 and mini groups for those 50+ and the possible reduction on the age threshold.
- Increase in homeless accommodation and review similar model to the Queensferry hub.
- Changes to allocation policy – SARTH changes to single access property. (Caveat on this approach due to upcoming major changes in legislation).
- Alternative use of FCC stock – to take more Housing from the HRA to use as temporary accommodation and create house sharing for single occupancy.
- Review offers to private landlords – increasing the amount of money to landlords for leasing, and or offering more incentives.
The Committee were asked to consider and provide feedback on each of the options, as outlined at Appendix 1 of the report.
Option 1
The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention detailed the proposals under option 1, which related to the options for fast tracking the review of sheltered housing.
A number of concerns were raised around the impact reducing the age threshold could have on elderly people living in sheltered accommodation. Assurance was given by Officers and the Cabinet Member that there would not be a blanket approach and that they were not proposing to let all available properties to young people, potentially challenging individuals, alongside elderly tenants. The Cabinet Member hoped that the report and his comments provided assurance that proposals would be carried out in a sensitive manner.
Comments were also made around the need to start the Sheltered Housing Review as soon as possible, and the Chair of the Committee advised that a report on the work of the Task & Finish Group would be presented to the December Committee meeting for support.
Officers and the Cabinet Member responded to a number of questions around the disconnect between the needs of people waiting for properties and the properties available across the County.
Option 2
The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention detailed the proposals under option 2, which related to the options for increasing homeless accommodation.
Councillor Bill Crease commented that Option 2a seemed to be more achievable and the need to find quick solutions to a longer term problem.
Comments were made around the need to have sites identified to progress these options at pace. Officers provided an assurance that the strategy team were working to identify sites.
Councillor Dave Evans suggested that both options 2a and 2b should be progressed.
In response to comments made by Members, the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member spoke in support of the comments around having homeless hubs across the County which had been discussed at Informal Cabinet and Cabinet. Homelessness was experienced across all communities across Flintshire and the Cabinet Member said that there needed to be a provision to meet that in order for people to access work and families to continue with accessing schools.
Option 3
The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention detailed the proposals under option 3, which related to the options for making changes to the allocation policy.
Councillor Dave Evans outlined his support for option 3a.
Officers responded to comments made around the impact to people’s mental health when being encouraged to stay in a property that they were being evicted from, detailing the unpleasant homelessness journey that could be experienced and the support provided to them.
The Chair commented on a decision taken a number of years ago which put a hold on all allocations to allow for the properties to be provided to people experiencing homelessness. She suggested that officers look into how this was done previously.
Councillor Bernie Attridge commented on the impact the options could have on those people in the Band B waiting list who had been waiting for a property for a number of years.
Option 4
The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention detailed the proposals under option 4, which related to the options for alternative use of FCC stock.
Councillor Dave Evans referred to the number of 4-bed void properties and asked if those properties could be used to create house shared for single people. Officers advised that they would be targeting 2 and 3-bed properties and that the model being developed would be specific for 2 people sharing. For 3 people or more sharing this would mean the need for planning, enforcement and licensing as this would be classed as a mini House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO)
Option 5
The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention detailed the proposals under option 5, which related to the options for reviewing the offer to private landlords.
Councillor Dave Evans commented on the number of landlords reducing due to the difficulties now being faced with being a landlord, and therefore he did not feel that option 5a would assist. He also referred to a scheme undertaken through the Regeneration Team a number of years ago within his ward where 2 unfit properties had been improved and continued to be let. Officers explained that the options would assist with aligning council properties to a number of workstreams.
The Chair thanked Members for the comments/questions. She also asked if information on the on the 1 bed demand across general needs and sheltered housingcould be provided. The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention agreed to provide this information to the Committee following the meeting.
The Facilitator advised that the comments made by the Committee would be provided to Cabinet ahead of its meeting to consider the options on 21st November, 2023.
The recommendations, as outlined within the report, were moved by Councillor Ted Palmer and seconded by Councillor Kevin Rush.
(a) That the Committee note the latest financial position in relation to homelessness; and
(b) That the Committee support the options outlined in Appendix 1 to increase supply and mitigate further overspends on the homelessness budget.
Supporting documents:
- Homelessness Budget Pressure - Options Paper, item 48. PDF 115 KB
- Appendix 1 – Outline of options, item 48. PDF 125 KB