Agenda item

Rolling Review of the Members Code of Conduct

To approve the changes to the Code of Conduct for Councillors that have been recommended by the Standards Committee as part of the rolling review of the Constitution.


That the Committee agreed that the value which gifts or hospitality had to be registered remained the same at £10.


In presenting the report the Chief Officer (Governance) commented that the Penn Review had recommended that Councils across Wales considered whether they should harmonise the level that Members were required to declare around the receipt of gifts and hospitality.  It was explained that currently Councils chose their own figures which varied from £0 up to £50 and that following a discussion at the National Forum of Standards Committee Chairs, it was agreed that they would seek to harmonise the levels around the value of £25.  The Forum was not a decision-making body and the Council was required to decide whether or not to formally adopt that recommended figure.  This had been considered by the Standards Committee who were happy to do accept this figure.  A decision was required by this committee prior to it being presented to Full Council.


In response to a question from Councillor Bernie Attridge on the number of declarations made by Members,  the Chief Officer (Governance) confirmed that he had received two or three in the last 12 months.  He explained that Richard Penn was appointed by Welsh Government (WG) to review the operation of the Ethical Framework and made the recommendation to seek to harmonise the figure and enable consistency across Wales.


In response to a clarification question from Councillor Gillian Brockley around the receipt of multiple gifts from the same source, the Chief Officer referred to paragraph 17.2 of the Code which highlighted the current value.  This related to a member receiving a series of gifts or hospitality which were below the threshold to declare but which could over time mount up.  


Councillor Paul Johnson asked why councillors would accept any gift as they were being paid to do a job and was quite prepared to keep the level at £10. 


Councillor Andrew Parkhurst commented that this had been discussed by the Standards Committee and he felt that the £25 figure with the £100 limit was not out of kilter given the increases in inflation since the previous figure of £10 was applied.  He felt that it was important if Members were offered or received gifts of any amount then these should be disclosed and that a reminder be sent to Members of the procedures to ensure that this Policy was fully complied with.


The Chief Officer (Governance) referred to the paragraph within the Code which stated that Members must reject any gift or hospitality whatever the value if it appeared to place them under any obligation.


Councillor Bernie Attridge wished to move that the amount remained the same at £10 and that it should be declared.   Members had to be sure that they did not accept anything which could place them in a position.


The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that Councillor Attridge had moved a motion not to follow the officer recommendation for the amount to stay the same.


Councillor Paul Johnson seconded this motion.




That the Committee agreed that the value which gifts or hospitality had to be registered remained the same at £10.

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