Agenda item

Learner Outcomes - GCSE and A level results 2022/23


(a) That the Committee note the outcomes for key stages 4 and 5 examinations in 2022/23 and recognise the hard work of secondary schools in Flintshire in supporting their examination year groups; and


(b) That the Chair, on behalf of the Committee, write to all Secondary Headteachers to thank them for their work in supporting their examination year groups.



            The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) introduced the report which provided an overview of GCSE and A-Level results for 2022/23.  It had not been possible to compare examination results with previous years because of the varying examinations which had taken place since 2019.  An update on the interim arrangements for key stage 4 and 5 was provided and it was explained that as a result of the pandemic there was a period of centre determined grades with adjustment made to grade boundaries.  In 2019 Welsh Government (WG) decided that performance data would not be shared but had made a decision that some headline indicators of the 2023 summer results could be placed in the public domain and this information was outlined at point 1.01 of the report.  Members were referred to points 1.05 and 1.06 of the report which included detail on the national outcomes for key stage 4 by pupil characteristics for the summer of 2023, and outcomes for key stage 4 in 2022/23 against the Wales average.

Information was then provided on the proposed changes for Post 16 learners and point 1.10 of the report outlined the different measures used when monitoring performance. Members were referred to the Flintshire and National Outcomes at points 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13 in the report but it was highlighted that this data did not include all the appeals processes which had been undertaken. Information on the ALPS Education system was included at  Point 1.14 of the report.


            Councillor Carolyn Preece commended the Education & Youth Portfolio and all schools on their performance following Covid and applauded the effort and work that had been undertaken.  She said that it was difficult to measure with not everyone achieving the same qualifications which could not be measured in the same way. Pupils were performing well in literacy, numeracy and the sciences which enabled them to progress to higher education.


            The Leader agreed with the comments made and thanked the schools, teachers, parents, governors, and everyone involved for what had been achieved. He agreed with the comments made around the damage caused to the education system by the pandemic and felt the youngest children lost the most.  The Chief Officer and himself pressed for younger children to return to school first and the then Minister Kirsty Williams agreed.  He felt the very young children would be affected by this for the remainder of their time in education.  He praised the staff for all their hard work helping children to catch up to where they would have been had the pandemic not happened. 


The Chair recommended a second recommendation as follows, which was seconded by Councillor Carolyn Preece:-


  • That the Chair, on behalf of the Committee, write to all Secondary Headteachers to thank them for their work in supporting their examination year groups.


The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Gladys Healey and seconded by Councillor Ted Palmer.   




(a) That the Committee note the outcomes for key stages 4 and 5 examinations in 2022/23 and recognise the hard work of secondary schools in Flintshire in supporting their examination year groups; and


(b) That the Chair, on behalf of the Committee, write to all Secondary Headteachers to thank them for their work in supporting their examination year groups.


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