Agenda item

Full Application - Conversion of West Wing into 11 No. Self Contained Apartments at Westbury Castle, Abbey Drive, Upper Gronant (Partly Retrospective) (050264)


That the application be deferred to allow discussions to take place with the applicant about options for the site access. 




The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 17 June 2013.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting.   


                        The officer detailed the background to the report explaining that the full application which was partly retrospective proposed the conversion of the west wing of Westbury Castle.  Vehicular access to serve the development was proposed from Abbey Drive and a section of private driveway from the junction with Llanasa Road, Upper Gronant. 


                        Councillor T. Chilton from Llanasa Community Council spoke against the application but thanked Members for visiting the site.  He said that the vast majority of residents would like to see the Abbey being refurbished and maintained for future generations but they felt strongly about the inadequate access to the property.  Abbey Drive was very narrow and part of the road did not have a pedestrian footpath and it was at maximum capacity for the movement of vehicles.  It was felt that additional vehicles would create pollution and problems for the existing residents and Abbey Drive led onto an unadopted track which was also a bridleway and public footpath.  Councillor Chilton added that the property was sited in a Conservation Area.  He reiterated his earlier comments that residents were not opposed to an upgrade of the building but asked that sympathetic consideration be given for an alternative vehicular access to the site. 


                        Councillor Patrick Heesom proposed refusal of the application against officer recommendation which was duly seconded.  He said that the building was in a remarkable location and had unique features.  He raised concern about the access to the site and said that there were options to improve the access but these had not been forthcoming.  He asked that either the application be deferred to allow alternative options to be explored or refused to allow the applicant to change the proposals.  Following a discussion, Councillor Heesom withdrew his proposal to refuse the application and Councillor Derek Butler proposed deferment of the application to allow discussions to take place with the applicant about the site access.  He felt that the access needed careful consideration and that a holistic plan was required for the conversion of the building and the access to the site.  He said that there was a direct route from Llanasa and suggested that this and other options be considered.  Councillor Mike Peers concurred with the proposal to defer the application due to the number of objections received about the access to the site. 


            Councillor Richard Jones referred to paragraph 7.15 where it was reported that the Head of Assets and Transportation supported the access from Abbey Drive to serve the development.  The Senior Engineer - Highways Development Control confirmed that there was no technical reason to justify refusal of the application on highway grounds.  However, she added that Highways did have objections to the option which had been suggested to access the site from the coast road. 


            In summing up, Councillor Butler said that there could be a direct route from Llanasa but reiterated his request for a more holistic plan for the whole site.      




That the application be deferred to allow discussions to take place with the applicant about options for the site access. 



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