Agenda item

Reserved Matters - Details of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale Submitted in Accordance with Condition No. 1 Attached to Planning Permission Ref: 038189 at Broughton Park, Broughton (050796)


That the application be deferred to allow for further discussions on the footpath link and the interchange. 




The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 2nd September 2013.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting. 


                        The officer detailed the background to the report explaining that the site was granted outline planning permission in September 2012. 


                        Mr. T. Astle, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.  He referred to the officer’s report and the well thought out layout for the site and said that there had been no objections from statutory consultees.  He referred to the comments of Broughton & Bretton Community Council but the applicant felt that their views had changed following the inclusion of condition 7 on the application for a future footpath link from the site into the adjacent Town Council Park.  The applicant intended to create a high quality development which included affordable housing, public open space and a landscape buffer to separate the development from the existing residential properties. 


                        Councillor S. Stevens from Broughton & Bretton Community Council spoke against the application.  She referred to the Town Council Park which had been made into an enclosed unlit area to encourage natural habitats.  She said that a thoroughfare through the middle of the park was not wanted by the Community Council and she was surprised about the construction of a path alongside the A55 which it was felt would not be beneficial to residents.  Councillor Stevens said that the application site would not be unique in not having access to the village and that the most obvious solution would be to create a tarmac path, which could be lit, on the opposite side of the houses to cause less disturbance and not divide the park.    


            Councillor Mike Lowe proposed deferment of the application to allow further discussions about what had been proposed by the Broughton & Bretton Community Council and also on the possible interchange, which was duly seconded.  Councillor Billy Mullin said that the concerns had been raised at the public inquiry and that discussions had taken place with the developer about access from the site into the village.  He concurred that it was more appropriate to put the path of the edge of the Council Park and referred to the dangers of having a footpath close to the A55.  Councillor Mullin reminded Members that discussions had been undertaken with Welsh Government about the requirement for an interchange in principle.  He concurred that the application should be deferred so that the areas of concern that had been raised could be addressed. 


            Councillor Mike Peers felt that the application needed to be amended if it was to be deferred and brought back to the Committee as there did not seem to be adequate space for an interchange.  He suggested that a plan be shown which included a potential sliproad and he urged the applicant to reflect this in his application. 


            The Development Manager reminded Members that none of the recent planning permissions in the area had required the construction of an interchange.  However, he confirmed that land which was outside the application site was sufficient for the construction of an interchange if it was required at some point in the future and nothing within this application would prejudice this.  He explained that the direct access to the park was required to allow the residents of the new houses the use of this facility. He queried the reason for deferment on the basis that if members did not agree that this access was required they could vote to remove Condition 7.  Councillor Lowe said again that access into the park was not needed as the new residents could walk round to the existing access.    Councillor Lowe reiterated that deferment was to allow for further discussions on the footpath link and the interchange.   




            That the application be deferred to allow for further discussions on the footpath link and the interchange. 



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