Agenda item

Full Application - Change of Use from Commercial to 11 No. Self Contained Flats and Bedsits at 94 Wrexham Street, Mold (051152)


            That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning and subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement to ensure payment of a commuted sum payment in lieu of on site public open space provision of £8063, such sum to be used to upgrade existing open public open spaces within the locality.  This sum shall be paid upon the occupation of the fifth apartment. 



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 4th November 2013.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report. 


The officer detailed the background to the report explaining that there were no objections to the principle of the development and the only issue was one of parking.  Consultation had been undertaken with the Head of Assets and Transportation who advised that subject to the imposition of conditions, no adverse impacts upon highway and pedestrian safety were anticipated.  Whilst the proposals provided for only three no. additional car parking spaces, regard had been had to the location of the site within the town centre of Mold and its proximity to public transport links.  In line with the guidance set out in Local Planning Guidance 11 Parking Standards, the normally applied standards were not deemed required in connection with this proposal.  He said that the local Member had spoken at the site visit and had drawn attention to the close proximity to the school in the area.  The officer highlighted paragraph 7.11 where it was reported that, having regard to the proximity of the schools and the associated peak traffic flows, a Construction Traffic Management Plan was requested to avoid the conflict of traffic movements. 


Mr. J. Williams, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.  He said that the building was a significant landmark in Mold and in the past had been a public house and a retail business.  The adjacent school had been built on the former bowling green and the proposal would bring the building back into a productive use.  It would allow much needed one bedroom properties and it was the intention that the residents would not rely on cars as parking was limited.  In conclusion, he said that it would give the building a new lease of life and commended the report and recommendation to Members.      


            Councillor Brian Lloyd proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded.  On the issue of parking, he said that this had never been an issue when it had been a retail site and he felt that any problems about traffic would be restricted to the start and end of the school day. 


            Councillor Gareth Roberts said that problems with parking had been recognised but felt that issues about parking standards and criteria needed to be raised with the Planning Inspectorate.  He added that if the application was refused on the grounds of parking, then the application would be allowed on appeal and possible costs awarded against the Council. 


            Councillor Mike Peers said that he was in favour of supporting the application.  He highlighted paragraph 7.13 on the issue of the location of bins associated with the apartments.  He felt that the application should have included information on where they would be sited.  Councillor Marion Bateman asked if parking was available on the road to the side of the site and sought assurance that the Construction Traffic Management Plan would be enforced. 


            In response to the comments made, the officer said that he had had discussions with the applicant and had been advised that he was proposing to site larger bins so that each apartment would not require its own individual bin.  He said that he would advise Members of the details when they were known.  The road to the side of the site was not in the ownership of the applicant as it was the access to the neighbouring funeral directors.  However, he had been advised that there were ongoing discussions about informal arrangements for parking.  He confirmed that the Construction Traffic Management Plan would be enforced.       




            That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning and subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement to ensure payment of a commuted sum payment in lieu of on site public open space provision of £8063, such sum to be used to upgrade existing open public open spaces within the locality.  This sum shall be paid upon the occupation of the fifth apartment. 



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