Agenda item

Public Health Update

To receive an update from representatives of the Public Health Service on public health related issues.


            That the update be noted.



The Chair welcomed Andrew Jones, Executive Director of Public Health, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) to the meeting. 


Mr. Jones introduced Dr. Sandra Sandham, Director of Dental Public Health, Heather Ramessur-Marsden, Lead Screening Engagement Specialist, Hannah Jones, Screening Engagement Specialist, Marian Jones, North Wales Community Dental Services, Dr. Neil Wigglesworth, Nurse Consultant, Welsh Healthcare Associated Infection Programme Team, Tracey Cooper, Assistant Director of Nursing – Infection Prevention, BCUHB, Jackie James, Principal Health Development Specialist, and Karen Chambers, Well Being and Partnership Lead, Flintshire County Council/BCUHB.


Mr. Jones thanked the Committee for the opportunity to provide an update about key areas of public health practice in the County and in particular  concerning:


·        Cancer prevention  (focus on screening)

·        Oral hygiene (including school setting and access to dentists)

·        Healthcare Associated Infections (focus on C Difficile and MRSA)

·        Current health improvement initiatives involving Flintshire County Council


  Heather Ramessur-Marsden, and Hannah Jones gave a presentation on Screening in Flintshire.  Members were informed that the Screening Division, Public Health Wales, was charged with managing the following  population based national screening programmes across Wales:


·        Breast Test Wales

·        Cervical Screening Wales

·        Bowel Screening Wales

·        Wales Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme

·        Newborn Hearing Screening Wales

·        Newborn Bloodspot Screening Wales

·        The Division also hosted the Antenatal Screening Clinical Network (Antenatal Screening Wales)


 In response to the comments and concerns expressed by Members around the uptake of screening, specifically bowel and cervical screening programmes, Heather Ramessur-Marsden explained that a number of initiatives were being undertaken to increase uptake and tackle inequity. She said there were many factors, including personal choice, which may deter individuals from participating in screening.  She advised that the aim was to enable all eligible people to make an informed decision as to whether or not to engage in screening and that collaborative working with partners was key to achieving the objective.


Dr. Sandra Sandham and Marian Jones provided an overview on oral hygiene in Flintshire and gave a presentation on the following: 


·        Access to NHS General Dental Practice: Flintshire

·        National Oral Health Plan (identified areas of good practice – Flintshire)

·        Designed to Smile programme – Flintshire


In response to the comments made by Members, Marian Jones confirmed that all schools in Flintshire were participating in the Designed to Smile programme which aimed to establish good health habits from an early age.


Dr. Neil Wigglesworth and Tracey Cooper gave a presentation on the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections in the BCUHB.  They provided an update on progress with infection prevention, including developments in reducing Clostridium difficile infection, the prevention of MRSA, and the actions in place to strengthen Norovirus control measures. 


Dr. Wigglesworth provided a brief overview on the work programme to improve antimicrobial prescribing across BCUHB and the actions to achieve required outcomes.    Tracey Cooper advised that the Welsh Government and Health Boards and Trusts in Wales had committed to a ‘zero tolerance of preventable Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI)’.    She referred to the new national targets and large-scale change programme for HCAI reduction which had been introduced by the Welsh Government.  She advised that BCUHB was keen to progress with these initiatives to achieve infection prevention and control and ensure patients are protected from avoidable harm and received safe care.


  During discussion Members expressed a number of concerns around hospital visiting and the risk of infection, and the levels of staffing for nursing care. The Cabinet Member for Social Services asked if any data was available on the ‘Stevens-Johnson syndrome’ which can result in overuse of antibiotics amongst the elderly.  


Jackie James gave a presentation on Improving Population Health in Flintshire.  She provided background information and referred to a range of initiatives which the Council, in its leadership role as an employer and provider of services, continued to be involved in, in partnership with the NHS and third sector organisations, to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for its residents. The main points of the presentation were:


·        Babies are born healthy (reducing teenage pregnancy)

·        People do not smoke

·        Reducing alcohol related harm

·        Older people do not fall

·        Reducing overweight and obesity, including child obesity


Councillor Marion Bateman referred to the subject of planning applications and cited as an example the issue of fast food or alcohol retail outlets located in close proximity to school premises.   Karen Chambers acknowledged the point made and commented on the need to consider how planning decisions could impact on local health and well being.  Andrew Jones commented on working with local communities and the need for a community approach and interest in taking responsibility for all aspects of improving the health and well being of the population. 


Andrew Jones gave a brief overview of the Annual Report 2013 of the Director of Public Health.  He referred to the focus on working age adults with particular emphasis on those aged 30 to 50 years, and on an asset based approach which is an alternative way of thinking about health and wellbeing.  He explained that by strengthening the assets in individuals, communities and environments a greater difference could be made to the health and wellbeing of the population.  The report looked at assets from three aspects:


·        The individual

·        The family and community

·        Resources for living: financial, natural and built environments


Mr. Jones gave an overview of the key messages in the Report and some suggestions and recommendations for individuals and service providers in North Wales. 


The Chairman thanked Mr. Jones and the representatives from Public Health Wales and BCUHB for their detailed and informative presentations and welcomed the initiatives and progress achieved to improve the health and well being of residents in Flintshire. 




            That the update be noted.