Agenda item

Improvement Plan 2014/15


(a)       That the contents of the draft Improvement Plan 2014/15 and the “How achievement will be measured” document be noted; and


(b)       That the comments of the Committee be collated and sent to the Performance Unit 




The Performance Team Leader gave a short presentation on the draft Improvement Plan 2014/15 and the “How achievement will be measured” document prior to final publication in June 2014.  She provided background information and advised that for 2014/15 a review of the current priorities and sub-priorities had been undertaken.  She referred to the main considerations in the report being presented by the Head of Schools Improvement Services and explained that the sub-priorities to be monitored and reviewed by the Committee as part of the quarterly Improvement Plan monitoring process were attached as Appendix A to the report.  Members were asked to comment on the targets and milestones proposed for the 2014/15 Improvement Plan.


Councillor Aaron Shotton commented on the importance that Members were satisfied with the priorities and sub-priorities selected within the report so far. 


Councillor Paul Shotton welcomed the revised Plan and referred to the adoption of a smaller set of ‘in-year’ priorities.  He commented on the successful Dragon’s Den event which was recently held at Coleg Cambria and the good work undertaken by the Community First Job Club programme which had been recognised nationally.


The Head of Schools Improvement Services gave an overview of the sub-priorities  for consideration by the Committee and explained how the achievements would be measured. 


Mr. David Hytch commented that there was no reference to the Welsh Education Strategic Plan in the Improvement Plan.  He also referred to the indicators set out on page 21 of the report and expressed concerns relating to  the measurement of achievement through the percentage of learners achieving 5 or more A* to C passes at GCSE or the vocational equivalent. The Head of Schools Improvement Services advised that the indicator had been provided by the Welsh Government (WG) and explained that there was national discussion to reduce the number of GCSEs which could be achieved by setting a vocational equivalent course.  Mr. Hytch expressed further concerns that too much importance was being attached to data which he felt only advantaged schools.  The Head of Schools Improvement Services advised that the range of data for outcomes was vast and commented that it was not just about the recent outcomes for learning but also about bringing enjoyment, confidence, and well-being to pupils.


Councillor Dave Mackie referred to the information provided on page 27 and suggested that the headings in the table should be continued on subsequent pages for clarity.  He also referred to the aspirational target for surplus places from Summer 2014 which he felt would not be achieved.  The Head of Schools Improvement Services acknowledged the point made and explained that it was a  WG target for all authorities.  Councillor Mackie also sought clarification on the data presented in appendix C in relation to education benchmarking indicators for the financial year 2012/13.  The Performance Team Leader  responded to the comments made and explained that the data provided members with the benchmarking information to show the Council’s performance in comparison to other local authorities across Wales. 


Councillor Stella Jones expressed a number of concerns around the use of Free School Meals as a measure for determining pupil outcomes and suggested that the Committee write to the WG to ask why they use Free School Meals for measuring outcomes in schools.  Councillor Nancy Matthews suggested that the Committee receive a report on the arrangement of free school meals and how this linked to family credit before deciding on whether to write to the WG.  Councillor Matthews also referred to the second activity under ‘Modernised and High Performing Education’ which related to educational achievements of children in a position  of disadvantage  including Looked After Children (LAC).  She suggested that the wording be amended to reflect that the activity be that the Authority was making sure there was equal opportunity to access education for all children.  Councillor Chris Bithell referred to the need to improve performance which had been highlighted by the CSSIW in the educational outcomes for LAC.  The Head of Schools Improvement Services agreed to revisit the wording of the indicator but explained that it would not be possible to deviate too far from the national priority due to the funding attached.


During discussion the Head of Schools Improvement Services responded to the comments and queries raised by members concerning how the Deprivation Grant was passported to schools and how schools made the best use of resources for the “greater good” whilst ensuring that the focus was on achieving best outcomes for all children. 




 (a)      That the contents of the draft Improvement Plan 2014/15 and the “How achievement will be measured” document be noted; and


(b)       That the comments of the Committee be collated and sent to the Performance Unit 



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