Agenda item



(a)       That Councillor Rosetta Dolphin be granted dispensation to enter into written communications with officers on proposals for Flintshire payments to no longer be able to be made at Post Offices.  To take part in the debate but not vote when the item is reported to a Committee or County Council meeting.  The duration of the dispensation was granted for 12 months, ceasing on 10 May 2016; and


(b)       That Councillor Richard Jones be granted dispensation to enter into written communications with officers on proposed car parking charges across Flintshire.  To take part in the debate but not vote when the item is reported to a Committee or County Council meeting.  The duration of the dispensation was granted for 12 months, ceasing on 10 May 2016.


Councillor Rosetta Dolphin


The Committee was asked to consider a request for dispensation submitted by Councillor Dolphin.  The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that this was similar to another request considered at the previous meeting, whereby dispensation had been granted for Councillor Brian Dunn to write to officers on proposals for Flintshire payments to no longer be able to be made at Post Offices and to speak but not vote on that item.  Both Members had declared a personal and prejudicial interest as they owned Post Offices.  The Chief Officer said that for reasons of consistency due to the decision made for Councillor Dunn, it would seem reasonable to grant the same level of dispensation for Councillor Dolphin.


Councillor Arnold Woolley pointed out that Councillor Dolphin’s application sought dispensation to speak only on the item and sought advice on whether this should be amended in line with that of Councillor Dunn.  The Chief Officer stated that if the Committee agreed to grant the same level of dispensation to Councillor Dolphin as had been given previously to Councillor Dunn, the same terms would be reflected in the resolution with a 12 month time limit imposed.


The Committee agreed to grant dispensation for Councillor Dolphin to enter into written communications with officers and to take part in debates but not voting when the issue was submitted to a meeting of a Committee or County Council.


Councillor Richard Jones


An application for dispensation had been received from Councillor Jones to participate in making the case against proposed car parking charges in Council owned car parks, by communicating written and oral representations and to speak and vote on the item.  He had declared a prejudicial interest due to his wife owning a flower shop in Buckley, one of the areas subject to the proposals.


In outlining the background to the application, the Chief Officer said it was his view, and that of officers, that the imposition of parking charges across Flintshire would have no significant long-term detrimental impact on trade in towns where the charges were to apply.  He advised the Committee that in considering whether or not to grant dispensation, it must first determine whether the Member had any interest.  He provided an overview of the retail offer in Buckley in comparison with other nearby retail outlets and said it was the view of local Members in Buckley, including Councillor Jones, that trade would be adversely affected if parking charges were introduced.


Councillor Woolley referred to widespread concerns around the impact of parking charges which had been reflected in the petition submitted to Cabinet at the time of the decision.  It was noted that the decision had since been ‘called in’ and was due to be considered by Overview & Scrutiny later in the week.


The Chair felt it was appropriate that Councillor Jones be given dispensation to make written communications with officers.


Mr. Robert Dewey said that as Councillor Jones had declared his interest, it would not be unreasonable for the Committee to determine the same.  He therefore proposed that dispensation be granted for Councillor Jones to make written communications and to speak on the item, but not to vote.  Following discussion, this was duly seconded and agreed by the Committee.  It was further agreed that a 12 month time limit apply to the dispensation and that Councillor Jones be permitted to remain in the room during the item.


As a signatory to the ‘call in’ on proposed parking charges, Councillor Woolley asked that his abstention from the vote be recorded.




(a)       That Councillor Rosetta Dolphin be granted dispensation to enter into written communications with officers on proposals for Flintshire payments to no longer be able to be made at Post Offices.  To take part in the debate but not vote when the item is reported to a Committee or County Council meeting.  The duration of the dispensation was granted for 12 months, ceasing on 10 May 2016; and


(b)       That Councillor Richard Jones be granted dispensation to enter into written communications with officers on proposed car parking charges across Flintshire.  To take part in the debate but not vote when the item is reported to a Committee or County Council meeting.  The duration of the dispensation was granted for 12 months, ceasing on 10 May 2016.

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