Issue - decisions

055310 - Full Application - Erection of 24 No. Dwellings with Associated Garages, Parking Garden Areas and Open Spaces with Demolition of Existing Service Station and Outbuildings at Argoed Service Station, Main Road, New Brighton.

08/11/2016 - 055310 - Full Application - Erection of 24 No. Dwellings with Associated Garages, Parking Garden Areas and Open Spaces with Demolition of Existing Service Station and Outbuildings at Argoed Service Station, Main Road, New Brighton.

That planning permission be refused, against officer recommendation, on the grounds of lack of provision of affordable housing; insufficient level of residential density and an inappropriate mix of housing type. 


After the vote had been taken, Councillor Hilary McGuill returned to the meeting and was advised of the decision by the Chairman.