Issue - decisions

Outcome of Public Consultation on Public Transport and Social Transport Anomalies

13/02/2019 - Outcome of Public Consultation on Public Transport and Social Transport Anomalies

(a)       That the Committee recommends the adoption of Option 3 (support             subsidised routes on the core bus network and implement alternative,    sustainable local travel arrangements in communities not on the core         network) within four            geographical areas of the County;


(b)       That the Committee recommends to Cabinet the approval of the       proposed service levels on the strategic core bus network; 


(c)        That the provision of an in-house minibus service to support the local        travel             arrangements, where it was cost effective to do so, be supported;


(d)       That the Committee recommends to Cabinet approval of the proposed        approach for dealing with historical non-statutory school transport arrangements that had been identified during the service review;


(e)       That the Committee recommend to Cabinet that the school transport           provision for siblings be given further consideration; and 


(e)       That the Committee recommend the adoption of Option 2 as its preferred   pricing structure for a concessionary bus pass, with a review to be        carried out on the impact of the increased cost after one year.