Issue - decisions

Discretionary Transport Policy Review – Outcome of consultation

19/06/2019 - Discretionary Transport Policy Review – Outcome of consultation

As detailed in recommendation (2). Recommendation (1) to be amended to the following:


(1)       That from September 2020 the termly charge for post-16 transport should be set at a maximum of £150 per term;


            All students entitled to free school meals should receive free transport to school or college.  This measure should be paid for by the Council funds – not from the charge for transport – as a discretionary benefit;


            That during the year between now and the introduction of the charge, the Council should examine the possibility of operating a hardship fund for supporting families where access to education is denied due to the charge through extenuating circumstances, noting the continuation of free transport entitlement under the free school meal criterion;


            That during the year between now and the introduction of the charge, as suggested by the Liberal group, the Council should examine the possibility of a form of ‘Oyster’ type pre-payment card which would allow residents who cannot pay the termly charge to top up their card on a regular basis; and


            That post-16 is defined to be years 12 and 13 in school year terms, and only extended in exceptional circumstances.