Issue - decisions

General Matters - Erection of 44 No. Two Storey and Three Storey Dwellings Including Associated Parking, Open Space and Formation of New Access at Brignant, Halkyn Road, Holywell.

18/04/2012 - General Matters - Erection of 44 No. Two Storey and Three Storey Dwellings Including Associated Parking, Open Space and Formation of New Access at Brignant, Halkyn Road, Holywell.

That the resolution to permit application ref. 48264 subject to the completion of a Section 106 Obligation (and conditions) taken at the Committee meeting on 14 March 2012, is amended to delete the reference to “maintaining visibility over area of land on southern side of Halkyn Road (if Section 278 Agreement not entered into).”