Issue - decisions

Outline Application - Demolition of 2 Existing Bungalows and Erection of 5 No. Dwellings at 85 - 87 Wepre Lane, Connah's Quay.

28/02/2013 - Outline Application - Demolition of 2 Existing Bungalows and Erection of 5 No. Dwellings at 85 - 87 Wepre Lane, Connah's Quay (048261)

            That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning and subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Obligation/Unilateral Undertaking or advance payment of:-


                        a) £1,100 per dwelling in lieu of on site play provision; and


b) £2,500 per dwelling towards the management of the Deeside and Buckley Newts Special Area of Conservations (SAC).