Issue - decisions

050634 - Full Application - Demolition of public house and erection of up to 9 No. dwellings and associated works at Calcot Arms, Milwr Road, Holywell

31/07/2013 - Full Application - Demolition of public house and erection of up to 9 No. dwellings and associated works at Calcot Arms, Milwr Road, Holywell (050634)

            That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning, the reduction in the ridge line of the proposed apartment Block B to approximately 0.2m above the height of the existing Calcot Arms building and subject to the applicants entering into a Section 106 Agreement, providing a unilateral undertaking, or otherwise making payment in respect of:-


  • The sum of £733 per dwelling in lieu of on site open space towards the upgrading of existing play facilities within the locality
  • The sum of £24,514 for the additional capacity at Perth y TerfynInfants School. 


If the obligation pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as outlined above) is not completed within six months of the date of the committee resolution, the Head of Planning be given delegated authority to REFUSE the application.