Issue details
Community Resilience
To provide further detail on the Action Plan for 2018/19 onwards, and progress on key areas of work.
Decision type: Di-Allwedd
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/08/2018
Report Type: Operational;
Decision due: 17 Sep 2018 by Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Corporate Services
Lead director: Chief Officer (Social Services)
Department: Strategic Programmes
Title (Welsh): Gwytnwch Cymunedol
Description (Welsh): Darparu manylion pellach ar y Cynllun Gweithredu ar gyfer 2018/19 ymlaen, a chynnydd ar brif feysydd gwaith
- 10/01/2019 - Community Resilience
Agenda items
- 17/09/2018 - Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee Community Resilience 17/09/2018
- Community Resilience