Issue details

Recovery Strategy Update (Streetscene and Transportation Portfolio)

To provide oversight on the recovery planning for the Committee’s respective portfolio(s)

Decision type: Di-Allwedd

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/10/2020

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 13 Oct 2020 by Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Lead member: Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside

Lead director: Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation)

Department: Streetscene and Transportation

Title (Welsh): Diweddariad Strategaeth Adferiad (Portffolio Stryd a Chludliant)

Description (Welsh): Darparu goruchwyliaeth ar gyfer cynllunio adferiad ar gyfer portffolio(s) y Pwyllgor


Agenda items


  • Recovery Strategy (Streetscene and Transportation Portfolio)