Issue details

School Modernisation

To seek approval to commission contractors and enter into a two Stage Design and Build Contract for proposed projects at Ysgol Croes Atti, Y Fflint & Drury County Primary school.

Decision type: Allweddol

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/02/2021

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 16 Mar 2021 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Leader of the Council

Lead director: Chief Officer (Education and Youth), Chief Officer (Housing and Communities)

Department: Education and Youth

Title (Welsh): Moderneiddio Ysgolion

Description (Welsh): Ceisio cymeradwyaeth i gomisiynu contractwyr a ffurfio Contract Dylunio ac Adeiladu dau gam ar gyfer prosiectau arfaethedig yn Ysgol Croes Atti, Y Fflint ac ysgol gynradd Drury.


Agenda items


  • School Modernisation