Issue details
Support for Members who are unable to attend meetings due to ill-health
To seek the Council's approval for the continued absence of two Members.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/09/2021
Decision due: 28 Sep 2021 by Flintshire County Council
Lead director: Chief Officer (Governance)
Department: Governance
Title (Welsh): Cefnogaeth ar gyfer Aelodau nad ydynt yn gallu mynychu cyfarfodydd oherwydd salwch
Description (Welsh): Gofyn i’r Cyngor gymeradwyo absenoldeb barhaus dau aelod.
Agenda items
- 28/09/2021 - Flintshire County Council Support for Members who are unable to attend meetings due to ill-health 28/09/2021
- The Six Months Rule