Decision details

054770 - A - General Matters - Erection of 56 No. Dwellings with Associated Access, Open Space and Infrastructure at Kinnerton Lane, Higher Kinnerton

Decision Maker: Planning & Development Control Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




            That the reason for refusal be “The Local Planning Authority considers that insufficient information has been provided in respect of the proposed drainage system to demonstrate that the development of this site would not result in an increased risk of flooding arising elsewhere further downstream.  Accordingly the Local Planning Authority considers that the proposals are contrary to the provisions of policies STR1, GEN1, GEN3, HSG4 and EWP17 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan and fail to satisfy the requirements of Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk, and fails to satisfy Paragraph 6.2 of Technical Advice Note 1 – Joint Housing Land Availability Studies.

Report author: Lesley Ambrose

Publication date: 21/10/2016

Date of decision: 07/09/2016

Decided at meeting: 07/09/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee

Accompanying Documents: