Decision details
Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports
Decision Maker: Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To note and consider the 2012/13 Quarter 2
service performance reports produced at the Head of
Service/Divisional level under the adopted business model of the
Council. The reports cover the Quarter 2 period
(a) That the committee consider the 2012/13 Quarter 2 performance reports produced by the Heads of Service;
(b) That a breakdown of the costs of the Disabled Facilities Grant be provided in the Quarter 3 report;
(c) That figures for Children in Need, such as numbers assessed and waiting for a social worker should be provided as part of the next quarterly report;
(d) That the Learning and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator write to Alan Butterworth to convey thanks on behalf of the committee for his contribution to Community Services; and
(e) That the Committee was satisfied with the budget variances shown on page 103.
Report author: Margaret Parry-Jones
Publication date: 17/12/2012
Date of decision: 17/12/2012
Decided at meeting: 17/12/2012 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Accompanying Documents:
- Enc. 1 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports PDF 186 KB
- Enc. 2 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports PDF 151 KB
- Enc. 3 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports PDF 97 KB
- Enc. 4 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports PDF 27 KB
- Enc. 5 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports PDF 63 KB