Decision details

The North East Wales Food Waste Treatment Project

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek approval for removing the Preferred Bidder of the NE Hub Food Waste Project (should they fail to secure funding by the deadline date of 30th March 2012) and engage the Reserve Bidder.


The Executive Member for Waste Management introduced the report to seek approval for removing the Preferred Bidder of the NE Hub Food Waste Project (should they fail to secure funding by the deadline date of 30th March 2012) and engage the Reserve Bidder.


The Executive Member detailed the background to the report and the considerations which had been undertaken.  The Director of Environment provided details of the extensive process which had taken place since July 2011 and said that there was now a need to take the project forward.  




(a)       That the removal of the Preferred Bidder to the NE HUB Food Waste project, should they fail to secure funding by the deadline date of 30th March 2012 be approved; 


(b)       That the selection of Reserve Bidder, to be awarded Preferred Bidder status, should the preferred bidder fail to secure funding by the deadline date be approved; and


(c)        That delegated authority to the Head of Legal & Democratic Services be granted to finalise all necessary contractual documentation associated with the contract, in conjunction with Denbighshire Council, as lead authority, and Conwy Council and to sign the contract, together with the Chair of the Council. 


Report author: Carl Longland

Publication date: 28/03/2012

Date of decision: 27/03/2012

Decided at meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive

Effective from: 05/04/2012

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