Decision details
Delivery of Housing Renewal Services - 6 monthly update
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Allweddol decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To update Members on delivery of the Council's
first Neighbourhood Renewal Area.
To inform Members of progress towards the appointment of a loans
administrator, to deliver equity and non equity loans for home
repair, improvement and adaptation.
To provide Members with up to date information in relation to
private sector empty homes and the £5M empty homes recyclable
loan fund recently announced by Welsh Government.
As recommendation.
Report author: Clare Budden
Publication date: 28/03/2012
Date of decision: 27/03/2012
Decided at meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive
Effective from: 05/04/2012
Accompanying Documents: