Decision details


Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Deputy Monitoring Officer provided background information to the dispensation request from Councillor Mike Peers (who was not present) relating to his personal planning application 061720.  Having previously been granted permission on an existing planning application on his property, Councillor Peers’ subsequent application for an amendment to that extension had been granted under the delegated decision process in error, as applications by elected Members should be determined by the Planning Committee.


To rectify the matter, the item was to be submitted to a forthcoming meeting to enable the Planning Committee to endorse or revoke the planning permission which had been given.


As a member of the Planning Committee, Councillor Peers was seeking dispensation to write and speak to officers on the matter and to write and speak and/or answer questions when the application was heard by the Planning Committee, but to leave before the debate and vote.

Publication date: 19/01/2021

Date of decision: 30/11/2020

Decided at meeting: 30/11/2020 - Standards Committee