Decision details

Application for a Private Hire / Hackney Carriage (Joint) Driver Licence

Decision Maker: Licensing Sub-Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Licensing Officer presented the report to consider and determine an application for a Private Hire/Hackney Carriage (Joint) Driver Licence.


In response to questions from the panel, the applicant provided clarification on the circumstances surrounding his previous convictions.  Following the first conviction, he had completed an extensive rehabilitation course which enabled him to clearly understand the implications of his actions and take better control of situations.  He stated that he deeply regretted the incident which had occurred at a difficult time in his life and that he now had a better perspective and had established positive relationships with those around him.


In response to questions from the Solicitor, the applicant provided information on his previous employment and explained that he had not disclosed a particular conviction as he thought this was out of date.  He also gave clarification on the outcome of a speeding offence.  When asked if he considered himself to be a fit and proper person to hold a licence, the applicant acknowledged his mistakes and was grateful for the opportunity to learn from them.  In support of the application, he spoke about his satisfaction in working with different groups of people and the lifestyle benefits from being employed as a taxi driver if the licence was granted.


When invited by the Chairman if he wished to make further representations, the applicant explained that his personal life had improved significantly since his previous convictions.  He reiterated his regret at the previous convictions.


When the Chairman was satisfied that all relevant questions had been raised, he asked that the applicant and the Licensing Officer leave the meeting to enable the panel to reach a decision.


5.1       Determination of the Application


In determining the application, the panel considered the applicant’s written and verbal representations and the Council’s guidance on the treatment of convictions.  In considering the circumstances involved in the conviction record, the time which had lapsed and the positive steps taken by the applicant (such as the course), the panel felt that he was a fit and proper person to hold a Private Hire/Hackney Carriage (Joint) Driver Licence.


The Licensing Officer and applicant were invited to return so that the meeting could be reconvened.


5.2       Decision


The Chairman advised that, having considered the representations made, the panel agreed that the applicant could be granted a Private Hire/Hackney Carriage Driver Licence for three years.




That the applicant is a fit and proper person to hold a Private Hire/Hackney Carriage Driver’s Licence under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and that he be granted to have such a Licence for three years.

Report author: Gemma Potter

Publication date: 28/08/2019

Date of decision: 18/06/2019

Decided at meeting: 18/06/2019 - Licensing Sub-Committee

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