Decision details

Theatr Clwyd Alternative Delivery Model (ADM) Final Transfer Due Diligence Report

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To receive a full and final report on due diligence once feedback from the Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee and a formal proposal from the Shadow Board have been received. To resolve any remaining service contract agreement issues and request delegated authority to finalise contractual process if required.


Councillor Butler introduced the report and explained that Cabinet had agreed to transfer Theatr Clwyd to a new governance model as part of the Council’s Alternative Delivery Model (ADM) Programme.  Theatr Clwyd and the Music Service were to be managed by independent charitable companies, limited by guarantee, from 1st April 2020.


            The report set out the (1) arrangements for transfer (2) due diligence (3) the draft service contract which was being compiled with legal advice and (4) the offer from the Theatr Clwyd Trust Ltd to take over the management of the Theatre and Music Services.




(a)       That Cabinet is satisfied with the arrangements for the transfer of Theatr Clwyd and the Music Services, and is assured that due diligence has been exercised;


(b)       That the offer from the new Trust Shadow Board to take over the management of Theatr Clwyd – based on the principles and proposals as set out in the previous report to Cabinet – be accepted;


(c)        That the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to enter into a formal agreement for the transfer between the Council and the Trust based on the principles and proposals as set out in the previous report to Cabinet;


(d)       That the transfers of Theatr Clwyd, Theatr Clwyd Productions Ltd and the Music Services to Theatr Clwyd Trust Ltd ownership take effect on 1st April 2021; and


(e)       That the revised pay scale for the Music Service be approved.

Report author: Neal Cockerton

Publication date: 16/12/2020

Date of decision: 15/12/2020

Decided at meeting: 15/12/2020 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/12/2020

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