Decision details


Decision Maker: Standards Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(a)       That the Monitoring Officer writes to Councillor Veronica Gay to inform her that she did not have a personal and prejudicial interest in the notice of motion to award grant funding to St. David’s High School, Saltney, and St. Anthony’s Primary School, Saltney, by virtue of paragraph 12 (a) iv of the Code and therefore could not be granted dispensation;


(b)       That Flintshire County Councillor Richard Lloyd be granted dispensation under paragraph (f) of the Standards Committee (Grant of Dispensations) (Wales) Regulations 2001 to write to, speak and/or answer questions at Council/Committee meetings in relation to the notice of motion to award grant funding to St. David’s High School, Saltney by Saltney Town Council.  Councillor Lloyd is not to remain at the meeting  during consideration of the application but be able to report back to answer questions arising from the debate. The dispensation to be granted for 12 months ceasing on 19 October 2021 and to extend to any application which, in the opinion of the Monitoring Officer, was substantially similar; and


(c)        That Councillor Stephen Rodham, Saltney Town Council, be granted dispensation under paragraph (f) of the Standards Committee (Grant of Dispensations) (Wales) Regulations 2001 to write to, speak and/or answer questions at Council/Committee meetings in relation the notice of motion to award grant funding to St. Anthony’s Primary School, Saltney, and St. David’s High School, Saltney, by Saltney Town Council..  Councillor Rodham is not to remain at the meeting during consideration of the applications but be able to report back to answer questions arising from debate. The dispensation to be granted for 12 months ceasing on 19 October 2021 and to extend to any application which, in the opinion of the Monitoring Officer, was substantially similar.

Publication date: 18/01/2021

Date of decision: 20/10/2020

Decided at meeting: 20/10/2020 - Standards Committee